Not high on my list but a nice first pitch. A friend introduced me to Johnny Bolin(Black Oak Arkansa drummer) brother to Tommy Bolin the guitarist. For those that might need a short background on Tommy, Jeff Beck said he was the most naturally gifted player he knew of. Anyway Johnny was eager to entertain because Glen Buxton (guitarist, founder of Alice Cooper Band) had come along with me. After Johnnies gig was over that night he invited us over, as I walk in his porch I see the speakers I lusted after back in 1975-ESS known for their pleated ribbon mid-tweets, hot shit then and $$ now). I told him the story and said he had a buyer if he ever wanted to sell them. He said I could have them for $150 "sold" as he opens the front door he tells me they were Tommy's-----instant boner---and that he was keeping the other two in the basement. So Tommy went quad in 75, as Glen and Johnny shoot it I'm thinkin SWEET, the buzz was killed several minutes later when Johnny said he wanted to think about it for a day or two. A related trivia nugget, when Richie Blackmore took time off from Deep Purple Tommy stepped in. The Purple's manager had been close to Jimi Hendrix and had his ring which he placed on Tommy's finger at his funeral.