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  • Topic: Taking my band to Los Angeles and need some members.

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    • February 4, 2010 7:08 PM CST
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      ********after reading a few posts I wanted to say that first of all I don't really care about experience. If you think you would have a good time and would be excited about writing or playing songs with me about women, drinking, new dance crazes, and the lack of good sex(!)-contact me**********



      I am currently looking for a drummer guitarist(possibly to collaborate and write with) bass and eventually keys.


      Check us out here and on


      Last week we joined ebandagogo and currently are the top 3rd band and have the fourth top single.



      I would like to find some indiviuals who would be excited about being apart of the project and could see themselves adding to the content and not just playing chords or a bass line. Obviously the music isn't too technical! lol.


      Anyone interseted can contact me on here or if you want call me @210-274-1680


      I will be in LA(downtown) next week and am very excited to take the band up a notch.




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