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  • Topic: Garage Punk Examiner

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    • January 22, 2010 10:09 AM CST
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      Hey folks,

      I just got a gig as the "Garage Punk Examiner" at, but now I need some stuff to write about. So contact me if you'd like for me to review your record or write about an upcoming garage fest or something. I'll even review or write about videos, movies, books, magazines... whatever. Basically anything related to this crazy music.

      By the way, thanks to Mal Thursday for the lead! :)


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • January 23, 2010 11:41 PM CST
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      I subscribed. Stick with it. And always link to your previous pieces, so you get multiple page views from people who discover the column later. Good luck! Oh, and kids, if you like weird old movies, I'm the Austin Classic Movies Examiner. So subscribe to both Kopper's and my columns, and click the shit out of 'em! We get paid by the page view...
    • January 22, 2010 11:39 AM CST
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      Great review of Cococoma, nothing wrong with getting paid for something you are doing in some way or form. You have just realized teh many dreams of most of this community. Keep posting your article links over here so we don't forget about it...

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