I'm such a pitiful nerd that I've actually written info when I come across it. Such as:
Link Wray on "Rumble" - '53 Les Paul > Premier 71 30 watt amp
Dave Davies on "You Really Got Me" - Harmony Meteor > Elpico 1x10 amp > Vox AC30
The ANSWER IS (from the Sonics Live Sound Operator)-
Hi Erik-
You asked the right guy because I built the pedal board that Larry is currently using.
It all starts with the amp because Larry's sound is based on being able to switch back and forth between ultra clean and distortion.
The preferred amps these days are:
(1) Fender "The Twin" with a master volume
(2) a Fender red knob Twin (also has a master volume)
Larry even used a Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier head + a Marshall 4x12 recently because the backline company didn't have the right kind of Twin.
If we have the correct amp then the only pedals needed are a tuner, compressor/sustain, a DDL and a volume pedal. If we don't have the right amp, things get more complicated. Then we add a clean boost pedal, a tube screamer and an A/B box so that we can run two amps- one clean, one dirty.
You DON'T Need to go Vintage to get certain sounds. You Can do a lot with Modern Gear to make it sound old without beating it up. You can buy a Power Soak to load your speakers so you don't have to run the amp at full tilt. You don't have to slash and/or poke holes in your speakers either, you can make Buzz Speakers with a Plastic Garbage bage stretched over the front of the speaker to buzz when the speaker makes noises. There are many good (and affordable) pedals out there too.Invent your own sounds. Try to innovate off of what you hear from the Sonics sound, but not ape them.
I have seen there Backline and know their soundman. It is all Modern Gear. I could ask about what Larry uses on his guitar, but probably won't get more than a generic answer back. It is really the musician NOT the Gear.
I took some pics at The Sonics show at Ray Davies Meltdown - sorry can't really make out the equipment but I thought you Sonics fans might like to check them out here http://retroman65.blogspot.com/2011/06/sonics-live-ray-davies-meltdown.html
- Retro Man Blog www.retromanblog.com
I heard Link poked holes in his speakers with a pencil to get that airy distort...however the mood strikes, you just gotta listen.
PS stop using effects and just hear the room. Or destroy your equipment.
what fuzz did larry use?
I thought they sounded more like their 72 reunion show at the Paramount then they did their records, but that's OK because even in 72, they didn't sound contemporary, in fact they sounded more like what retro bands would sound like in the late 70s and early to mid 80s, even early 90s. I'm really just glad that they didn't feel the need to update like the Wailers and the Kingsmen have.
Here's an interesting quote from this website:
"Parypa's Lonnie Mack-after-40-cups-of-coffee sound came from playing his Jazzmaster (with the low E string turned down to D) through the keyboardist's Magnatone amp." and from the official myspace: "Roslie nails the take on the second try, once he gets his vintage Magnatone amp to work correctly. “That’s the secret to our sound,” Roslie jokes." Looks like this is the answer then! Thanks Joe.
Matt Ayers said:"You Really Got Me" is the nastiest, best guitar tone ever. Period.
I don't know....I think Larry Parypa one upped them with Cinderella and He's Waiting but then they probably would have never been written that way if it wasn't for the Kinks. But then again...the Witch and Psycho actually came out before the Kinks records were released here in the states.
I was going to be a doof and answer "stuff you can't buy anymore".
Thank you Erik! Very interesting and informative as always. Regarding that Elpico amp, I've heard lots of different quotes on the wattage. I've seen everywhere from 8 to 20. I've heard it may have been an AC55 like this one.
If I had lots of money I would pick up a cheap low watt el84 based amp just to see how close I could get. Of course then I would need an AC30 and a Harmony Meteor.
Matt Ayers said:I don't know....I think Larry Parypa one upped them with Cinderella and He's Waiting but then they probably would have never been written that way if it wasn't for the Kinks. But then again...the Witch and Psycho actually came out before the Kinks records were released here in the states. I was going to be a doof and answer "stuff you can't buy anymore"."You Really Got Me" is the nastiest, best guitar tone ever. Period.
I don't know....I think Larry Parypa one upped them with Cinderella and He's Waiting but then they probably would have never been written that way if it wasn't for the Kinks. But then again...the Witch and Psycho actually came out before the Kinks records were released here in the states. I was going to be a doof and answer "stuff you can't buy anymore"."You Really Got Me" is the nastiest, best guitar tone ever. Period.