...so that the less fortunate can hear the set list when you announce it.
Blessed are those who have style rather than gimmick. I succumb/subscribe to you.
And Gaw' bless the ones who comment their setlists. Seriously sexy.
Especially blessed are the talking heads. Yammer away. I think all your talk, talk, talk is cute.
...Just catching up on all the podcasts. Great job and thanks for keeping it going, Kopper. Btw, when's the last time you did a podcast?
Blessed are those who have style rather than gimmick. I succumb/subscribe to you.
And Gaw' bless the ones who comment their setlists. Seriously sexy.
Especially blessed are the talking heads. Yammer away. I think all your talk, talk, talk is cute.
...Just catching up on all the podcasts. Great job and thanks for keeping it going, Kopper. Btw, when's the last time you did a podcast?