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  • Topic: Until we outnumber 'em...

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    • October 4, 2009 11:27 AM CDT
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      So I've been wonderin' fer a while many fans of garagepunk do y'all think are actually out there...

      My guess is a decent indicator would be the avg. number of downloads the regular podcasts on the GPPN get, but I am after more info and numbers fer a better idea ...fer instance, typical door counts at these recent and upcoming "mega" garagepunk fests (i.e. Gonerfest, the Scion thing comin' up, etc.), typical total sales fer current garagepunk national acts records, ....things like that...ideas and guesses (& most importantly, brutal discussion) is all welcomed!
    • April 5, 2010 5:47 PM CDT
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      i don't think adding up podcasts is a great average... people get music in many ways. Me? Recordstores and mainly - music swaps with friends. Thrift stores. Last week an o.g. bo diddley 45 for 20 cent at a hospice. it's worth $30-80 bucks. (i'd have t go look at it for label - side a Crawdaddy.)
      plus are we just adding up garage purists or people that count garage music among other music genres as listening favorites? Where I live- garage is pretty dead. I don't understand since "indie music" newest term is for ye old "Emo"- a dead pulse. "hey guys let's see how slowwwwww we can get the mandolin on this track." Guys I know are pumping this overhyped crap- i ain't buyin'! "oh man - that shits old - get with the current." I don't ride waves of shit - fuck your current! I, personally, don't go with the flock just because it's the new "cool". It's anything but cool and you know - time wil tell. Those bands won't be remembered and neither will the people listening to it. Because they suck and they are lame. "Oh man, i don't listen to rock n' roll anymore!" Then go listen to the "Low Anthem" and go watch them fall asleep to their snoozealicious tunes at the funeral home! At least there are people that still love rock n' roll. People still buy rock n' roll records. And youngr kids are getting into great rock n roll - like "Harlem". They just put out a killer new LP "Hippes." Listen to the song "faces", it's a testament that great music can still be rock n' roll.
    • October 9, 2009 4:50 AM CDT
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      Uhhh, seems like, I've let it out here ha?? HAhaha.

      Here for the stir

    • October 9, 2009 4:48 AM CDT
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      America (Canada is, with all respects, included) is the capital-continent of GP for real, right? Seen by the mass of people that live there and would fire it up back in the day basically and also by the historic and cultural background and all. But you know that better than' me, since you are living there an' all. For fan numbers, I don't know, ...but good shit happens all over the place: I mean, check SWIZZZZERLAND makin' my ears proud to listen in, check CAMBODJA's history of rock music (where records where destroyed and the movement was actually killed by the fucked up shithead army ---> "shotdown" fer real!). I sure enjoy me some ITALIAN stuff, like MOTORAMA, or WHITE PAGODA. Hell, there is loads happenin' there. Right GRINGO? Shit I'm sure leaving stuff out, like the PEOLPE UP IN THE NORSE COUNTRIES... sorry guys, you are grrrrreat! Check SPAIN and all the wild festivals going down there, totally, positively jealous of those guys moxie! BRITAIN, Dirty Water, BILLY CHILDISH all kinds of other sweet humbug - NUFF SAID! SOUTH AMERICA HAS A LOT ROLLIN' man, what a jam! Even GERMANY has wrought out some awesome bands. The MONTESAS come to mind. ÁUSTRIA is slowly catching up, the STAGGERS crew is doing a lot, BATMAN AND ROBIN, SPEEDY AND THE FUCK OFFS got good crap rollin' - so as ya hear, stuff is going! But here, some other jerkfucks I'm not cool with personally take GARAGEROCK as gospel and are tooo hardcore about it, not enjoying it at all. I'm not calling names. I just don't enjoy the headache they are spreading, so screw that - I'm biased. I'm all out for diversity and if someone yells "POP-sellout!!" to every new band on the scene, tha's no fun! I'm here for the sounds baby! "!CAUTION: WISEASS RANT AHEAD!" I mean do what ya want, right? It's just, I don't like no expert smartass scene-ster authority tell me how to listen to my music (just the tellin' is enough). But said people sure enjoy humpin' the legs of the BLACKLIPS when they play a show here. And what is the BLACK LIPS? One of the toprockin' GARAGEROCK bans out who have reached mass Pop appeal - but aren't pop. And what do the BLACK LIPS do? Play all kinds of crazy shit, spreading it far, but not spreading it thin! "RANT ROAD END!" I'm writing this in a gritty mood so don't get me wrong, heehee. For the site: Damn, I'm glad this place is thriving! I sure love it!

      Here for the stir

    • October 6, 2009 8:07 PM CDT
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      i know about 2 people who are into garagepunk. then again I'm in philadelphia, though this one day i was in some cafe and they were playing some 60s garage mix... so there's some hope in this town yet.
    • October 5, 2009 1:33 AM CDT
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      Not really I think there are people out there that are fans of this sort of stuff that don't know or don't care that it fits in the garage punk genre.
    • October 4, 2009 5:52 PM CDT
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      According to statbrain the site gets 18,500 hits a day which is pretty damn impressive (even considering return visits...) so there must be a pretty healthy army of GaragePunkers out there...

      Hmmm, do we start cooking up plans for world domination?

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