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    • September 2, 2009 12:39 AM CDT
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      Hey man...I never claimed any band I've ever played in was good. I can't sing, play guitar or write a song to save my life...I only play in bands when there is nobody else doing what I wanna hear. Jokes on you man...that ubiquitous and colourless macho aggression IS me trying to ape Elton Motello...I just suck that bad! I play in shitty, joke bands that nobody likes...nobody (especially me) is gonna dispute this.The only thing I'm good at is listening to records...and I'm REALLY good at it. What does it matter if I think your band stinks? At least your music moved me enough(one way or another) to post a response on this messageboard...nobody else did. New Krime is garbage really think it's a carbon copy of every cute no-fi band around? Shit man...this was supposed to be "future-punk" project. Seriously though, what bands does the New Krime sound just like? I'm pretty out of the loop and would love to check 'em out so I can rip their schtick... Jesse J. Powell said:
      Jesse J. Powell said:
      You obviously have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or who the fuck you're talking to. You wanna hear facsimilies of your favorite bands or ape other bands with your music, go for it--no balls required! I think it'd be more interesting though if you'd ape something as dandy as elton motello instead of the ubiquitous and colourless macho aggression i've seen you ape-ing in bands so far. New Krime sounds a little sweeter to my ears, but a carbon copy of every other cute no-fi band around. Trend humper.
    • September 1, 2009 10:25 PM CDT
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      Jesse J. Powell said:
      You obviously have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or who the fuck you're talking to. You wanna hear facsimilies of your favorite bands or ape other bands with your music, go for it--no balls required! I think it'd be more interesting though if you'd ape something as dandy as elton motello instead of the ubiquitous and colourless macho aggression i've seen you ape-ing in bands so far. New Krime sounds a little sweeter to my ears, but a carbon copy of every other cute no-fi band around. Trend humper.
    • August 31, 2009 6:49 PM CDT
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      Skate-Jock? That's new. Uh-huh, I still ride a skateboard...guess that makes me a skate-jock? I heard good things about The Pine Tarts a couple years ago...people tossing round terms like garage-rock, power-pop, bands like The Buzzcocks, Undertones, etc. I had high hopes...then I listened to the Myspace tracks and it wasn't anything like any of that. Then people told me I had to see it live to appreciate it...nope same thing. I don't here any pop hooks anywhere...hooks grab you and have you singing the chorus all night in your head...none of that here. No hooks, no nervous swagger! Totally not my bag...don't get it at all. Calgary seems to love you guys though...and I'm just some play-act asshole, skate-jock that plays in shitty joke bands. Jesse J. Powell said:
      tiemen you're a skate-jock and play-act the asshole routine pretty good, and i'm sure you do hate my band, but c'mon, pine tarts songs are all just one hook that repeats over and over, get it straight man.
    • August 31, 2009 6:06 PM CDT
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      tiemen you're a skate-jock and play-act the asshole routine pretty good, and i'm sure you do hate my band, but c'mon, pine tarts songs are all just one hook that repeats over and over, get it straight man.
    • August 10, 2009 9:44 PM CDT
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      same old tiemen. calgary's favourite band-hater. anyone else, have a listen and see what you think for yourself. T. Depression said:
      This band SUCKS! They're from the town that I used to live in, so I went and saw 'em live even after listening to their recordings and thinking they were shitsville...just bad. Pop songs that have no hooks and never repeat the same part twice?!??!! UUUggggggg!!!!!!
    • August 10, 2009 8:27 PM CDT
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      This band SUCKS! They're from the town that I used to live in, so I went and saw 'em live even after listening to their recordings and thinking they were shitsville...just bad. Pop songs that have no hooks and never repeat the same part twice?!??!! UUUggggggg!!!!!!

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