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  • Topic: JOHNNY RYANs BLECKY YUCKARELLA strip (not what you think...)

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    • July 4, 2009 2:52 AM CDT
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      All around badass Johnny Ryan has a weekly strip over at FANTAGRAPHICS for a while now, and the archive can be seen here on his site! If you are familiar with his stuff you know he knows no bounds when it comes to finding crass elements to tell his jokes, anyone else this stuff is RAW and DANGEROUS! ATTENTION ATTENTION! KIDDIES although I strongly recommend to waste your time with Comics, this is not for you if you're under 18 Hell even under 21! So don't blame me when you get nightmares!

      Here for the stir

    • July 5, 2009 6:52 AM CDT
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      Yeah, he certainly knows how to step into shit, hahaha. Although it's so over the top I don't know how someone could really be pissed about it. But with religious people... you never know, most of 'em are pretty hardcore. I hear there are JESUS FREAK HIDEOUTS, that must be the place to be upset about that. Sorry... I couldn't help it, true believers! I guess that's the point of the strip really, not funny or expertly sharp but funny at that. Taking existing elements of cartoon history and turning their aesthetic upside down. Concept cartooning maybe? But don't take it from me, I don't know about such things. Fun it is! ...and certainly big to me... hahaha. Johnny Singles said:
      It's not big. It's not clever. But it is pretty funny...


      Here for the stir

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