I have'nt seen it ( It would seem , living in the US , where The Feelgoods are only virtually unknown , as opposed to completely unknown , there's not a lot of call for it....) , but , I saw the trailer where they spoke of Wilko taking over the small plane they were flying to France in.....Even though he had never flown a plane in his life. The plane went off it's course in a hurry , imagine that...But they all , somehow , stayed out of harm's way until the Pilot GAINED CONTROL OF THE PLANE , once more. It's cool that the guy in Iron Maiden actually flies the band to their own gigs , but , Wilko Johnson tried to fly the plane himself , and he did'nt even havea license , nor did he have a clue about basic flight maneuvering.... But , that's Rock'n'Roll, that's how we roll.