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  • Topic: Thursday April 23rd - DROP OUT! The Bay Area's only dj night dev

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    • April 19, 2009 2:43 PM CDT
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      Dance & drink to the fuzzed out sounds of the 60s toughest teen punks!
      If you like songs about mean girls and fast cars you should be at...

      DROP OUT!
      with your host DJ Jackie Sugarlumps and special guest DJ Sergio Iglesias
      spinning 100% killer 1960s vinyl all night long

      Just as a note... Drop Out will be happening regularly at the Attic on the 2nd friday of the month (the next one's May 8th- mark yer calendars!). This is a one-off at a fantastic venue just a couple blocks away!
    • April 20, 2009 2:57 PM CDT
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      Yay! Don't forget to come up to the dj booth and say hi... I love meeting new people who love music as much as I do!

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