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  • Topic: Test Pressing Mystery — Help me identify this record!

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    • April 4, 2009 9:41 PM CDT
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      Howdy, all --

      I have a white-label test pressing 45 that's been driving me nuts since I bought it, I have no idea who it might be, or anything else about it, so I'm wondering if anybody can help me identify it. Byrds-sounding SoCal folk-rock, has to be 1965 or 66, could very well be the session musician mafia (Terry Melcher and his extended musical family)... or it could possibly be unknown teenagers from someplace. There's a link at the bottom to mp3.s of the two songs.

      If anybody's a whiz at decoding information from matrix numbers, the dead wax reads DD-HA-1/DD-TB-1 and (looks like) SJW 7561 on both sides.

      While you're there, you might enjoy the Mac Davis protest-song bandwagon-jumping Sonny Bono (or Dylan?) imitation from 1965-ish or the LP by Modern Five, a Euro beatgroup that gigged and recorded in Mexico around the same time.


      Thankee schoen --

      Hugo M.
    • May 14, 2009 7:44 PM CDT
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      The Sidney J Wakefield clue turned out to be a helpful one -- thanks, PJ! SJW died in 1983, and "informed sources" tell me there's no chance in hell that his documentation has survived... but I lucked out and stumbled across the guy who compiled SJW information for Barry Wickham's book, and he had some half-answers for me. Shout-out to JOHN DIXON, hubba + hubba. Recorded in late 1965, he says, just as I figured, and apparently it's a Viv Records custom pressing. According to J.D., the other bit of matrix info suggests a custom label abbreviated as DD and artists with the initials H.A. and T.B. -- both sides apparently NOT by the same artist. Hell of a way to do things... but that strengthens my suspicion that this never had a legit. release. That's all I've got so far... Next stop: reissue labels that have done a thing with Viv compilations. Wish me luck... Hugo M.
    • April 5, 2009 4:52 PM CDT
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      I like the songs alot. Very cool if they're uncomped. Some quick online searches didn't reveal much except the Wakefield Co. did some mastering for Sonobeat out of Texas. There's a pretty comprehensive history at the below link, but unfortunately, none of the matrix numbers match yours. If you exhaust other options, maybe you can contact Sonobeat to see if they have a SJW contact. Then maybe you can confirm or deny that part or get more information. Sonobeat Records Sometimes, it's so hard to track this stuff down. You can find people who where actually there and still don't remember anything after all these years. If nothing else, you're left with great undiscovered gems minus the history. After the listen, now I want to know who it is! Contagious! Good luck & keep us posted.
    • April 5, 2009 1:38 PM CDT
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      Sidney J Wakefield? That's helpful, I might be able to follow up on that. Thanks. I screwed up and posted the wrong link, though, sorry about that. The first post now has the correct link in it, it is: Cheers -- H.
    • April 5, 2009 1:37 PM CDT
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      Mad Mojo Marmalade said:
      The link opens to 2 Biscaynes songs.
    • April 5, 2009 7:52 AM CDT
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      The link opens to 2 Biscaynes songs.

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