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  • Topic: Advice - shoping my band to a label - what would you do ?

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    • March 5, 2009 12:06 AM CST
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      My band has its record being listened to by two US independent labels. One label has seen the band, heard the CD and had email communication, the second label heard good stuff about us, called me and has heard the CD. Both labels seem interested - but what can I do to close the deal - in other words sell the idea of signing the band as if it was their idea?

      I don't want my time wasted either - so I'm thinking it's time to ask if there is anything else they need while they listen and propose a deadline for an answer - hoping they respect this approach. Slacking and not following lead leads to no deal - what do I have to lose anyway - just publishing :)

      What would you do - basically this is like any other business sales transaction - what is in it for them = profit !

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