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    • February 28, 2009 7:33 AM CST
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      I sit here writing this really not knowing where to start with song writing.

      I'd love to write 4 or so Garage Rock songs in the vein of all the usual name checked bands with a view to jamming with friends and seeing if we can have a little combo with a couple of originals.

      I'm a pretty good prose writer and stuff, doing a humanities degree and stuff so I really feel ought to be able to write nice simple songs.

      Any tips, exercises would be more than welcome - no matter how basic they might seem to you!

      Thanks for anything,

    • July 27, 2009 3:42 PM CDT
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      Not to get all hippy on you, but I am a very Zen influenced player. I like to begin by playing a chord/note or maybe a short progression (ex. E - G - D). Then once I get into a groove and an idea for a rhythm I play it until a lyrical pattern comes to mind and I then sing free verse until I hit on a theme. From there I expand the chords and actually try to "destroy" them in a way, by playing the chord in different patterns or at different parts of the fret board (adding minor chords/dischords, feedback, fuzz) until I get an original sound. Lyrics for me always come last...because I don't know what I want to say until the song unfolds...but it sounds like you've got enough ideas to stockpile templates for lyrics (remember it's all about editing in the end. You may want to take out a lyric, add a word, rearrange the prose). I've heard of people writing lyrics and molding the songs around them but it never worked for me. Check out my band VAUDEVILLAINOUS at to hear how my songwriting turns out. AND let us all know when you get something going. I'd love to hear it!
    • May 14, 2009 2:18 PM CDT
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      sounds cool,

      I like how it's pretty down to earth but you don't hold back on the details

      interesting stuff

      this summer I'm hoping to be jamming lots so I'll see what happens I guess
    • May 14, 2009 11:19 AM CDT
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      I usually crack out a basic bass riff, then maybe dirty it up or not with a Big Muff Pi.
      Paul the guitarist will play with chords round the bassline.
      We hah and hum for a while, have a beer, then practice the whole song, usually it's repetitive process until one of us says "what about?" and we try those ideas within the tune.
      Regarding the lyrics, we have a stock of songs that we try to fit into the new tune, or we will start saying any old thing until it fits. UIsally we have jst one line and will slowly change the words as the tune develops.
    • March 19, 2009 2:48 PM CDT
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      RIFF RIFF bring it down, scream about some girls RIFF guitar/organ/or harmonica solo RIFF and fall apart with grace.
    • February 28, 2009 11:10 PM CST
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      cool responses

      lots of good ideas

      4 seems like a cool number to start with

      yeah it's like an ep - and it just struck me as a good target
    • February 28, 2009 2:00 PM CST
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      In your band, stick to what you are good at.

      For example, I'm normally pretty good with coming up with an theme or idea for a song and the bassist fills in the rest.

      I also find picking a chord progression (just like A G A C) then elaborating it to make it original and your own. I'm also a big fan of tempo and volume changes and fewer riffs, but that depends what sort of stuff you're into.
    • February 28, 2009 11:49 AM CST
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      so who are all the name checked bands you have in mind? there are quite a few of them. best way to start with a garage rock song is to have a title (which usually turns into your chorus) or a set of situations around a common theme or a catchy riff of some sort, either a melody or a guitar riff. if you have any or all of the above, you should be set to write some songs. why 4? you planning to put out a 4 song EP ? spike P.

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