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  • Topic: Lux's Burial

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    • February 12, 2009 4:07 PM CST
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      Does anyone know where Lux Interior's final resting place will be? A friend of mine says his burial is today and seems to think it's in Los Angeles/So Cal area somewhere but doesn't have the dets. If anyone has any info. I would very much appreciate it. Thanks! -I.D.
    • October 13, 2011 11:08 AM CDT
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      I did a little searching a few years ago, but didn;t find anything out.  I live 10 hours form Montreal which I imagine would be the closest that I would get to see Kid.  I'll ask if ever I see him, in a very kindly way.


      John Battles said:

      I don't know...If you ever see Kid Congo (And , you should , if you can.), you could ask him. I don't think he'd mind , if , of course , you're respectful about it. There's probably a Gun Club /Pierce website or two that could help you , too.

      Tommy Careless said:

      I've always wanted to know where Jeffrey Lee Pierce was buried too. Anyone know ?


    • October 12, 2011 3:52 PM CDT
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      I don't know...If you ever see Kid Congo (And , you should , if you can.), you could ask him. I don't think he'd mind , if , of course , you're respectful about it. There's probably a Gun Club /Pierce website or two that could help you , too.

      Tommy Careless said:

      I've always wanted to know where Jeffrey Lee Pierce was buried too. Anyone know ?


    • October 12, 2011 11:50 AM CDT
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      I've always wanted to know where Jeffrey Lee Pierce was buried too. Anyone know ?


    • October 12, 2011 2:44 AM CDT
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      Thanks for the link!

      Sounds like Lux received a sweet service...

      kopper said:

      I could never find any information on his burial (or even if he was buried or cremated or whatever), but a report of Lux's memorial ceremony, agreed to by Ivy, was posted for fans by long-time friend Jonny Whiteside on the blog of LA Weekly and later in the print edition. Click the link below to read it (it's great):


      Here for the stir

    • October 11, 2011 10:04 PM CDT
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      Yeah, you should probably just read the article instead of asking questions about it. That's why I posted the link, dude.

      John Battles said:

       i BELIEVE , DON'T QUOTE ME , BUT , I BELIEVE HE WAS CREMATED. In fact , I'm 98% certain. I heard , early on , that he was not buried. I could ask somebody who knows , but , that might take a while. I know Ivy wanted a very small , unbiased funeral service . I forget the name of the church she went with (Maybe it's in that article?) , but it was one that believed in Astral Projection , so Lux's passing was celebrated with an Astral Projection. He's already waved "Bye bye" to the sun, by then. I know Johnny Legend (THEE Johnny Legend , not that other pencil neck geek !!) , and , I believe , Art Fein , long time cool stuff talk show host in LA and first Cramps' manager , were there.

      At any rate , Fein , and , later , Kid Congo , told me they'd seen Ivy in the past year , and that  she's doing really well and looks great.         John.


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • October 11, 2011 8:23 PM CDT
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       i BELIEVE , DON'T QUOTE ME , BUT , I BELIEVE HE WAS CREMATED. In fact , I'm 98% certain. I heard , early on , that he was not buried. I could ask somebody who knows , but , that might take a while. I know Ivy wanted a very small , unbiased funeral service . I forget the name of the church she went with (Maybe it's in that article?) , but it was one that believed in Astral Projection , so Lux's passing was celebrated with an Astral Projection. He's already waved "Bye bye" to the sun, by then. I know Johnny Legend (THEE Johnny Legend , not that other pencil neck geek !!) , and , I believe , Art Fein , long time cool stuff talk show host in LA and first Cramps' manager , were there.

      At any rate , Fein , and , later , Kid Congo , told me they'd seen Ivy in the past year , and that  she's doing really well and looks great.         John.

    • October 11, 2011 11:41 AM CDT
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      I could never find any information on his burial (or even if he was buried or cremated or whatever), but a report of Lux's memorial ceremony, agreed to by Ivy, was posted for fans by long-time friend Jonny Whiteside on the blog of LA Weekly and later in the print edition. Click the link below to read it (it's great):


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 14, 2009 2:41 PM CST
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      I agree that it would be interesting to know where he's buried... unless he's being cremated, which is a possibility.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • February 13, 2009 1:27 PM CST
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      The cramps official website states that a donation to animal society should be left instead of flowers, so I made a donation there.
    • February 13, 2009 1:17 PM CST
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      Thank you for your response. The ceremony was yesterday. I hadn't plan on attending the actual ceremony only to leave flowers afterwards, which I would still like to do.
    • February 13, 2009 3:03 AM CST
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      a press release on their official website states that his funeral service will only be attended by his closest family, and wish it to be of the utmost privacy.
      with all due respect, i think you should leave it at that.

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