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  • Topic: Introducing the new Sonic Nightmares crew....

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    • January 23, 2009 7:41 AM CST
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      It's about time the new guys were properly introduced! As you all have probably noticed we have two additional hosts on the Sonic Nightmares Podcast - Brother Panti-Christ and El Tiki. Brother Panti-Christ AKA Robert Butler is possibly best known to some of you as the bass player for The Untold Fables and The Miracle Workers. He moved to Switzerland in the early '90s and has been playing in bands with Beat-Man & Gringo for several years as well as starting his own Rock & Roll panty factory in the mid 2000's. Check his shit out at El Tiki AKA Sasha Blumer single-handedly came up with the whole Sonic Nightmares radio show idea in the early '90s. Sasha is the web master for, a culture blog/web site for artists, musicians and freaks. Let's give 'em a warm welcome!
      --Just a note to Kopper -> could you send Brother Panti-Christ an invite to the GaragePunk Podcasters group? Thanks in advance!

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