Let my say three words that sum up this entire release:
Why review an entire album, when one song rules my fucken world.
I don't care when this album came out, I don't give a flying fuck what label it is on.
Collector scum stats mean diddly squat.
Just listen to this song. Then listen to it again and again.
Great lyrics, scorching guitars and a chick plays drums!
Listen to the song, then Youtube the fucker -
If that doesn't sell you on this band, then get the hell out of town, cos this is garage punk at its finest and you are not fit to breath the same air as the Hex Dispensers
The Oblivians did it it with "And Then I Fucked Her", The Cosmic Psychos with "Pub" and the Hex Dispensers do it with Forest Ray Colsen, and that is write a song that epitimizes an entire album.
Alex Cuervo has been in some other fine bands such as Black Top and King Sound Quartet, and the other three members also have fine pedigrees, but this album manages to leave everything else in the shade. No mere piece of kiddie punk, this is clever and engaging music for grown ups.
You know the only bad thing about the Hex Dispensers is they are in Texas and I am in Australia.
By the way the other nine tracks are just as good.