Our next show should be a Blockbuster. It is Friday Oct 3rd (the day before Reverbfest) in Ballard at our favorite stomping ground in Ballard The Conor Byrne Pub. Here are all the details;
Howlin' Houndog & Infamous Loosers
The Femurs (Rob Femur)
Mama Tried
03 Oct 2008, 09:00 PM
5140 Ballard Ave NW, Seattle, Washington 98103
Cost : $5
We are returning again to the fabulous Conor Byrne Pub in wonderful Ballard Washington. This time with our friends Mama Tried (the super entertaining all Merle Haggard tribute/worshiping band) and the one-man show of Rob Femur (otherwise known as The Femurs). If you don’t make this show, well you better be In Jail, The Hospital or Dead, because those are the only excuse you will have that work (and In Jail better be a really good one too!) See you there!
We are Headlining this show and we will have special guests sitting in, and it will be worth it to stay up late to see us play.
Keepa Rockin'!
Here is my Poster for the show!
Plus a cool poster by Big Beat Bob of Mama Tried!