Maybe it's a common thing that I missed somewhere along the way...
Does anybody know why so many garage bands have named themselves with "Thee" instead of "The"? You know: Thee Milkshakes, Thee Headcoats, Thee Headcoatees, Thee Hypnotics, Thee Gravemen, Thee Oh Sees, Thee Shams, Thee Michelle Gun Elephant,..... the list goes on. And it seems to be just garage & lo-fi bands, as I can't recall ever seeing it used in pop, indie, punk, emo or other genres.
I used to think it was just Billy Childish having fun with words, since he used it in just about every side project, but it obviously goes beyond him (although, he seems to be the first to popularize the use of thee word). I also used to think it was something about the 90s, but it continues to this day.
Anyone know the history here? It's music geek stuff, I know, but there's bound to be an interesting story there.