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  • Topic: Top 3 Favourite Bands

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    • September 16, 2008 4:43 PM CDT
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      Hey guys, I'm new around here and I've scanned through all the pages and it doesn't look like this thread has been done before so forgive me if it has.

      I was wondering what are your personal top 3 favourite garage bands.
      I only discovered the whole garage thing a few months ago when I stumbled upon The Sonics. Since then I've been abliterating the net to try and find more, so I thought it'd be interesting to see who's everyones favourites. (It'd also give me some names to look into ;p)

      Like I said I'm new to the genre but out of the small amount of bands I know:

      The Sonics
      The Mummies
      & The Remains (no order)

      I especially like The Mummies from what videos I've seen fo them, they seem pretty crazy.

      So what's everybody elses...
    • October 10, 2008 4:25 PM CDT
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      Thanks for all the posts guys.
      I'll be looking into all of them.

      I think The Who and The Kinks could be classed as Garage, but I would class them as British Invasion; but then again I don't count British Invasion as a real genre because really it's just 50s Rock N Roll come full circle; and isn't Garage just Rock N Roll played more aggresively?

      Tis a tough cookie.
    • October 9, 2008 12:11 PM CDT
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      If you want modern garage i'd pick up the Oblivions, Gories, Mighty Caesars first... For 60s stuff I'd dig The Monks, Chimney Sweeps and the back from the grave series...
    • October 6, 2008 8:16 AM CDT
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      ".........I only discovered the whole garage thing a few months ago" Well, Mikey you have just stumbled onto the secret of the universe -- real Rock and Roll! This 'whole thing' has been bursting eardrums since the early '50s! Just typing the term 'Garage' into a search engine wont yield the whole story because 'Punk' is a very important keyword in understanding real Rock and Roll. Be prepared that everything you might think you know about Punk could be wrong or different. I recommend starting with a record called Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era compiled in 1976 by Lenny Kaye (where the term Punk Rock is first used). Also check out this discussion: Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life and I'm jealous because you get to hear for the first time some of the greatest records in the history of Punk Rock and I wish I could relive those moments again! Enjoy!
    • October 6, 2008 6:55 AM CDT
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      Hey there Mikey.
      You have alot a great bands to discover so I hope you don't get to many repaets on this thread. Usually three just isn't a resonable figure to choose from.

      That said 3 my favs are:
      The Sonics - Number one all time favourite
      The Monks - They truley were amazing at Dirty Water Club (cheers PJ)
      All the bands that tought The Fuzztones (check out the double album "Songs We Taught The Fuzztones" for an essential list of Garage classics).

      Happy Hunting
    • October 5, 2008 12:05 AM CDT
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      Thee Milkshakes
      The Mummies
      These are just off the top of my head,but are the one's i play the most.

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