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  • Topic: Do you also like so-called "hard rock"?

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    • September 4, 2008 8:43 AM CDT
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      Ok I could be totally insane but that "it's so easy" song by the Guns 'n' Roses kicks my ass...oh and also "talk dirty to me" by Poison...

      No crazy-like-me here???
    • December 3, 2008 1:38 AM CST
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      The new Dirtbombs is their weakest yet, and I sure hope the new Fuzztones is better than their Gutter Island show - by far the worst gig of the year.

      Eddie Current Suppression Ring is way too good to be considered rigid garagewank.
    • December 2, 2008 5:26 PM CST
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      The Hideout goes beyond only one common type of music. Run, run while you can. Trash said:
      What am i doing in this Ning if i liked..........
    • December 2, 2008 5:25 PM CST
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      Haven't heard it yet. Eddie Current Suppression Ring? Not purist garagerock, but this record (suggested by my friend Ed with excellent taste!) has held considerable time on my turntable.
    • December 2, 2008 5:10 PM CST
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      I forgot to mention the horny new album by The Fuzztones. Anyone else here like that? swt said:
      <<(2008 has been an all time low for garagerock, hardly listen any new garagerock anymore cuz it's sooo boring and bland).>>

      Actually I'd argue it's been a pretty good year. I've really enjoyed the 2008 albums by the Dirtbombs, The Fleshtones, Los Peyotes, The Hollywood Sinners.
    • December 2, 2008 4:52 PM CST
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      What am i doing in this Ning if i liked..........
    • December 2, 2008 11:52 AM CST
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      I agree with Kopper...I hate this shit. But I also agree with Gringo Starr and the criteria he wrote that defines "rock and roll" (very diplomatic Gringo) and if some "hard rock" fits into that criteria for some of you, then listen to it.
      When I was in high school back in the day (I'm Old!), all of my "friends" were into Deep Purple, Sabbath and Grand Funk. I hated that shit and thought it was stupid and pandered to stupid people who needed to be pandered to. Creem made fun of 'em! Now I kinda like those bands, mainly because they're stupid. Go figure!
      In the 80s and 90s when a lot of these bands mentioned were at their peak of poularity, I used to love to watch MTV with the sound off. When a video for a "hard rock" or hair-metal band would play without any sound, all that was left was their ridiculous macho visuals and cum faces and rock-god poses. In other words, all that was left was all the reasons these bands and this kind of music sucks and will always suck. Corporate Rockstar dreams for 12 year old boys to buy at the local mall. "Edgy" and "dangerous", yet safe enough to be sold at Wal-Mart. Nice!
      Everybody has some skeletons in their musical closets. Lets' trot them all out and make fun of one another because we have different tastes than the thing that brought us all here. Man, that sounds like FUN and a great way to be "punky". Or "hard rock-y".
      Ultimately, unless you're being nostalgic for your younger days, why listen to this shit when there is so much GREAT stuff to listen instead of it?
    • December 1, 2008 12:01 PM CST
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      I like alot of Jenslowcut's listed bands, but I'm not sure they represent the hard rock in the original post. Budgie is great stuff to put on in the car driving with the windows down on a hot night. But I think most people would call this stuff Heavy Metal (which, I think, some did in earlier posts). If I remember right doesn't Om + High on Fire = Sleep?

      Point is I think Heavy Metal in the likes of those fuzzy bands take alot more from garage stuff than what we typically think of as hard rock, which is neither hard, nor rocks.
    • November 29, 2008 3:31 AM CST
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      <<(2008 has been an all time low for garagerock, hardly listen any new garagerock anymore cuz it's sooo boring and bland).>>

      Actually I'd argue it's been a pretty good year. I've really enjoyed the 2008 albums by the Dirtbombs, The Fleshtones, Los Peyotes, The Hollywood Sinners.
    • November 28, 2008 2:55 PM CST
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      JensLowcut said:
      There's a lot of bad hardrock, and there's a lot bad garagerock (2008 has been an all time low for garagerock, hardly listen any new garagerock anymore cuz it's sooo boring and bland).
      2008 ...the year GaragePunk can't relate... "Hard rock" sucks ...if I want to be surrounded by cheap rock regalia and pay thru the nose fer a burger Planet Hollywood... nevermind.
    • November 28, 2008 2:47 PM CST
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      Gra Fiend said:
      Are we seriously entertaining any of this shit in the Hideout?
      By golly, folks like shit that's not garagepunk!!??!!??
    • November 28, 2008 2:21 PM CST
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      I really like Hardrock Gunter.
    • November 27, 2008 5:59 PM CST
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      There's a lot of bad hardrock, and there's a lot bad garagerock (2008 has been an all time low for garagerock, hardly listen any new garagerock anymore cuz it's sooo boring and bland). The hardrock haters mostly confuse hardrock with lame 80s hairmetal, which is like calling Stokes or Vines for garagerock. Here's some names I dig:

      New hardrock:

      Witchcraft, Graveyard, Dzjenghis Khan, Five Horse Johnson, Orange Sunshine, Tonight, Endless Boogie, Hidden Hand, Om, Sleep, Electric Wizard, Birds Of Maya, Mammatus, Dollhouse, High On Fire.

      Old stuff:

      Pentagram, Bang, Highway Robbery, Crushed Butler, Buffalo, Sir Lord Baltimore, Budgie, Leaf Hound, Flower Travellin Band, Jericho, Toad, Third World War, Human Instinct, Thin Lizzy, Trouble, St. Vitus, Angel Witch.

      Way more exciting than most new cleancut mod wannabe yuppies wearing matching suits.

      But anyhoo, fuck hardrock and garagerock, cuz Human Eye's "Fragments Of The Universe Nurse" and Digital Leather's "Sorcerer" are the two best albums of the year!
    • November 27, 2008 7:33 AM CST
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      I think it's safe to say most people don't only listen to one genre of music, and there's always gonna be a couple of records on yer shelf that don't fit in with the rest (for me it's those four fun lovin' criminals ablums sitting next to the sonics). All the same, arena rock is going a bit too far for me.

      Joey Vacant
    • November 25, 2008 8:15 PM CST
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      Some of us have been waiting for Chinese Democracy since 1985.

      I have always hated musical genres, too.
    • November 24, 2008 11:59 AM CST
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      Geez... this discussion is for the sandbox, kiddies. Now I know why I love Techno.
    • September 16, 2008 1:18 PM CDT
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      I like a lot of music. I think "hard rock" is good.
      But then again, I hate musical genres. It is my one true hate. Like all these little sub genres and niches that the media/ bands class themselves as.

      To me Led Zeppelin isn't hard rock, it's just rock. Black Sabbath to me aren't hard rock, they're heavy metal.
      Some people refer to Iron Maiden as hard rock or classic rock/metal nahh! They're heavy metal.

      There's a lot of good "hard rock" music I think, and there's a lot of shit "hard rock" music, like any genre.
    • September 9, 2008 3:05 PM CDT
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      I used to be a big metal fan. I liked a lot of the classic bands, i.e. Zeppelin, Sabbath, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Grand Funk Railroad, Mountain, KISS. I also liked the first wave of bands that came out of the 80s LA scene, i.e. Van Halen, Quiet Riot, Motley Crue, Ratt, Guns & Roses, along with bands that started in the 70s but didn't hit it big until the 80s, i.e. Twisted Sister, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden.

      Nowadays I rarely if ever listen to metal, for several reasons. First off, many of those first wave bands get played to death on classic rock radio nowadays (Zeppelin in particular), so I've gotten sick of hearing them. Hair metal has been assimilated into that format too, which makes me like it even less. Second, I liked many of those LA bands back when I really didn't know any better. It's a little embarrassing for me to have to admit that I used to like such mediocre bands as Quiet Riot, Motley Crue and Ratt. Now I find them ridiculous. Third, I've grown to like stuff that's either poppy or rootsy, hence my current obsession with garage rock and power pop. I really wish I had gotten into the Ramones back when I was in high school, because they are a band that truly speaks to me.

      However, I do have a few exceptions...I like UFO, because they're more of a cult band, and I still think "Appetite for Destruction" by Guns & Roses is a masterpiece. I also still like Aerosmith, Cheap Trick and Hanoi Rocks. All three bands tend to get lumped in with heavy metal, but I disagree with that. Aerosmith was a traditional rock'n'roll band rooted in blues; they were slightly heavier than the Stones, but not nearly as edgy as the New York Dolls. Cheap Trick was a power pop band that did sound heavier live, but I still don't think of them as metal. Hanoi Rocks almost defies classification, so I just think of them as a very cool rock'n'roll band, nothing else.
    • September 9, 2008 2:25 PM CDT
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      Gringo Starr said:

      Q.Do you also like so called hard rock?????
      A. When it's good. (see above for relative criteria)
    • September 9, 2008 2:24 PM CDT
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      Gra Fiend said:
      P.S. Here's another to get people worked up - What are your views on the influence of Goth bands on the Garage of today?
      That's a weird one, isn't it? I know a bunch of local Columbus guys who were die hard rockabilly/psychobilly guys when I met them 20 years ago.... Now they're hanging out at goth bars and compalining about how DJs don't spin enough goth and industrial. I'm a whatever floats your boat kinda guy, that feels like a weird transition to me.
    • September 9, 2008 2:12 PM CDT
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      Hmmm... Easy now guys. I think this is healthy discussion to have here. Instead of ignoring the proverbial 300 pound gorilla lets talk about it.
      Punk Rock is by definition an anti-establishment, do-it-yourself, honest, unpretentious, rebellious musical and cultural art form. Punk is as old as Rock and Roll itself and it could be argued that Punk is Rock and Roll. Punks have greased back hair and sideburns, Moptops and Beatle Boots, bellbottoms and suede jackets, black leather and sneakers, cut-off shorts and white T-shirts, and have even been known to wear day-glow plastic body suits and funny hats. Regardless of the fashion of the times or labels coined by the media, this 'real Rock and Roll' has always been with us and for some of us this is the only sound/feeling that floats our boat --
      When it is rebelling.
      When it makes me want to scream.
      When my dick gets hard --
      When It is in some way related to the original Rock and Roll ethic.
      And I think that most of us here have that in common and we are all here to celebrate that noisy, unpopular, unsafe, un-capitalistic, uncompromising musical and (yes) cultural Phenomenon. It's not so easy to say that a song is cool. It is also what's behind it. When you bring up a song like "talk dirty to me" by a band like Poison to a group of people here who have heard the likes of Hasil Adkins, The Stooges, Andre Williams, or The Dead Boys I think that you have an uphill battle trying to convince us that Poison's particular way of talking dirty is pretty cool. So--

      Q.Do you also like so called hard rock?????
      A. When it's good. (see above for relative criteria)
    • September 9, 2008 2:02 PM CDT
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      Yeah thats cool Seriously no worries (hence the smiley face :-) ) You have a real valid point with this discussion though. There's alot more influence from the harder rock background in todays Garage scene than people credit.

      Always cool and never offended/offensive
      Gra :-)

      P.S. Here's another to get people worked up - What are your views on the influence of Goth bands on the Garage of today?
    • September 9, 2008 8:03 AM CDT
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      Oh man... I wasn't being argumentative. I'm just saying that Influences are relevant, even if not always cool. For instance, what if someone had posted "What's your favorite Bo Diddley song?" Not garage or punk, but I don't think anyone would bitch.
    • September 9, 2008 7:30 AM CDT
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      I didn't say I couldn't see an influence. There's influence from many genres in one Garage tune or another. I stated I couldn't see the relevance! I like to draw from positive influences on the Garage Punk scene and don't like the thought of Metal Heads and/or "Guitar Wankers" (people who do huge lead breaks while pulling cum faces) reuining what it means to me. Maybe I'm just single minded!
      I'll stay out of this from now on as I can see that some of you enjoy the "Rockier" side. :-) Piece Out!
    • September 8, 2008 8:44 AM CDT
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      Gra Fiend said:
      I just can't see a relevance with bands like AC/DC or Gund N Roses to the "garage punk" element of the "hideout ".
      Well, I would say that a lot of that good 90s cow punk kinda stuff like Girl Trouble, Rev. Horton Heat, Supersuckers, The Cowslingers, et. al. borrowed pretty heavily from AC/DC. Hellacopters, too. So they're as pertinent as any other influential artist in that sense. GNR were kinda of New York Dolls Lite and would stand as a cautionary tale about how Glam-Rock can go horribly horribly lame....

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