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  • Topic: Record Reviews Group?

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    • August 30, 2008 4:12 PM CDT
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      I was discussing the possibility of starting a "Reviews/Reviewers" group here with Kopper recently. Apparently, I'm the only one who's brought it up in some time. But, it seems with all the music fans, podcasters, Djs, bloggers, etc... there would be some interest in having a go-to group here at the Hideout where members could read about new albums, singles, films, and books. Wha da ya think? Anyone like the idea? Anyone willing/eager to contribute?
    • September 2, 2008 5:23 PM CDT
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      yeah I would be very interested in a review section...and I have to say that I start reading this forum to have infos about great bands and great records...
    • September 2, 2008 3:40 PM CDT
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      croatoa said:
      In my opinion it would be great to have reviews here...not only about today's stuff, but also about not-so-much-known great stuff from the past (long and short time)...the reviewers' group could be composed by garagepunk podcasters plus some other "we-know-you-know-what-you're-talkin'-about" people...

      it could be useful to have a "file under" section (for example: if the hellacopters are your favorite band, what you have to listen to...), and a sort of best records profile of each reviewer, to know his/her musical taste...

      it could be also useful to have different taste reviewers to write about the same record...

      (ok maybe today i worked to hard, and it's to late...must go to bed)
      I hadn't thought much about people reviewing older releases, but yeah, why the hell not. Glad to see there's at least some interest in this.
    • September 2, 2008 2:02 PM CDT
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      It sounds like a great idea! I'd love to be a reviewer... you can sign me up!
    • September 1, 2008 9:16 PM CDT
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      In my opinion it would be great to have reviews here...not only about today's stuff, but also about not-so-much-known great stuff from the past (long and short time)...the reviewers' group could be composed by garagepunk podcasters plus some other "we-know-you-know-what-you're-talkin'-about" people...

      it could be useful to have a "file under" section (for example: if the hellacopters are your favorite band, what you have to listen to...), and a sort of best records profile of each reviewer, to know his/her musical taste...

      it could be also useful to have different taste reviewers to write about the same record...

      (ok maybe today i worked to hard, and it's to late...must go to bed)
    • August 31, 2008 1:36 PM CDT
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      Ed Post-Mortem said:
      As far as the "shameless self promotions" angle, restricting the reviews to official releases might help. Hopefully we wouldn't have to put together a group of reviewers to start, but one would form itself based on the frequency of posts. An online version of the "Shinding" or "Ugly Things" reviews section is a great way to think of it.
      Having official releases reviewed is definately the way forward. I like this idea alot as it gives everyone a chance to post review, which gives everyone a much better alround review. I hope you get enough positive feedback to get this up and running. FYI I'll still be getting my copies of Shindig and Ugly Things
    • August 31, 2008 9:43 AM CDT
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      As far as the "shameless self promotions" angle, restricting the reviews to official releases might help. Hopefully we wouldn't have to put together a group of reviewers to start, but one would form itself based on the frequency of posts. An online version of the "Shinding" or "Ugly Things" reviews section is a great way to think of it.
    • August 31, 2008 6:10 AM CDT
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      Sounds cool but who's reviewing who? I've seen something like this before and it ended as a self promotion page for every band on the planet.

      If what you propose is a small group reviewing all thats new then that is a fantastic idea. One place to go to get the heads up, like an online copy of "Shindig" (Hope Mojo Mills doesn't find out- he he) :-)

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