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  • Topic: GaragePunk Podcast & The Hideout

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    • July 21, 2008 10:07 AM CDT
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      It blows my mind how many people are joining the Hideout that have never heard the GaragePunk Podcast. I set this network up for fans of the website and the podcasts that we produce (and have produced for almost three years now), yet day after day after day we get people signing up here who answer the "Favorite GaragePunk Podcast" question in their profiles with question marks or "what's a podcast?" or some such confusion. So if you guys aren't finding the Hideout via the main site ( obviously), then how the hell are you finding us? I would seriously really like to know...

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • July 22, 2008 9:40 PM CDT
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      ...and think of all the great shows they're missing out on. They're deprived of Brad X for crying out loud!:)
    • July 22, 2008 11:12 AM CDT
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      <<Those kooky dreams could turn into sonic nightmares.>>

      Happens all the time.

      By the way, enjoyed hearing The Dickies' "Gigantor" on your last one. (I wasn't dreaming that was I?)
    • July 22, 2008 11:04 AM CDT
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      swt said:
      Maybe this place is attracting fugitives from the law looking for a "hideout."

      ... I'm listening to Florida Rocks again at this very moment. Often I play it while I sleep because it gives me kooky dreams.
      Better be careful. Those kooky dreams could turn into sonic nightmares.
    • July 22, 2008 10:47 AM CDT
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      Maybe this place is attracting fugitives from the law looking for a "hideout." Indeed, Gringo might be right that the term podcast isn't as well known as one might assume. Some might think you can only hear then on iPods -- and there are still a lot of folks who don't have iPods. I do have a pod, but the main way I listen to the podcasts is on the feedcast player. I'm listening to Florida Rocks again at this very moment. Often I play it while I sleep because it gives me kooky dreams.
    • July 21, 2008 10:30 AM CDT
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      Yeah, I noticed that as well. A few of us are trying to steer these folks in the right direction. I even commented on this phenomenon on my podcast a couple of episodes back. I can imagine that quite a few people Google garage punk, though. I did it just now and this is what I get: 1. GaragePunk Podcast 2. Forums ( 3. Garage Punk at Wikipedia 4. Garage Rock at Wikipedia 5. The GaragePunk Hideout (!) .....Well, if I didn't know better and had to take a pick The GaragePunk Hideout sounds pretty fucking cool! Gonna check that shit out....but on the other hand, a podcast is music, right? Garage Punk music or Garage Punk Hideout? Hmmm.....I'm torn! It could also be that the term 'Podcast' is not as well known as we think... --Professor Gringo

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