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  • Topic: GO SINNER GO!! Vol.3 MADRID 16th & 17th MAY

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    • April 13, 2008 3:11 PM CDT
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      BANDS Thee Gorgons (France) Titty Twisters Orchestra (Italy) Hara Kee Rees (Germany) The Rippers (Italy) Woolly Bandits (USA) --CANCELLED Wau y los Arggghs (Valencia) DJs Dj Bone (Holland) Pete Slovenly (USA) Gianni Fuso (Italy) Pablo de la Cruz (Valencia) Bruce ‘Bash’ Brand (UK) John ‘Lard’ Gibbs (UK) Shazzula (France) Edu Sinner (Toledo) GO GO’S! Decoración Melenuda! FIESTA FIESTA FIESTA! DON'T FORGET OUR PRE-PARTY WITH THE MASONICS FEATURING LUDELLA BLACK (DELMONAS, HEADCOATEES) 15th MAY (LA PEQUEÑA BETY - MADRID) + DJs (Mr. BRATTO & RAFA MORTAJA) TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW IN: In a few days other band to be added!!

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