Hey gang!
So this terrific trash party platter series called Twistin' Rumble was released a short while back on 4 LPs (I believe) and it's sold by a handful of folks (i.e. Crypt & Bomp come to mind).
So I was perusin' the web and see it's now available as 2 individual CDs, sorta "best of" edition if ya will. Well, I can find the tracklisting for the LPs but not fer the fuckin' CDs ...I wanna know what gets left out of the CD versions to help me decide which to snag
Please save the whole "LP vs. CD" boo-woo business...I dig both formats but see a bunch o' tunes on the LPs I already own and it's be swell if the CD versions left off the more "well-known" or "popular" cuts, goin' straight fer the dirt.
Knowin' is have the power...