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  • Topic: No Rotterdam Rumble in 2008

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    • February 19, 2008 7:54 AM CST
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      Hello everybody,

      With a little bit of pain in our heart we've got to tell you there's not gonna be a Rotterdam Rumble this year. Since we're both very busy with our work and some personal matter it seems impossible for us to put up a festival that consumes so much time and energy and asks for so much responsibility. This doesn't automatically mean we'll stop with the Rumble for good. There are still a whole lotta bands out there that should've played the Rumble, so who knows maybe we'll be back some time in the future.

      For now we would like to thank everyone who helped us out in the past and all the people who partied with us. You all made it a great trip which we fully enjoyed and truly cherish.


      Charlie & Stefan

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