...or at least write about them.
I got a lay off notice from my job. Kinda of expected it cuz business has been waaay down for a few months now. The writing was on the wall when they went and cleaned house at another office a couple weeks back. It was just a matter of time.
Now, I'll be getting unemployment benefits and the better half has a good job so we won't be having complete financial hardships but the belt is gonna have to be tightened. Taking the kids to movie, out to eat etc will be seeing a serious reduction and my vices, records and beer, will be the most seriously effected til a new job comes along. In this area that seems to be a rare bird. Wish me luck (or if ya have any leads in SE Michigan ya can pass them along too)
The Smashin' Transistors blog is getting some good traffic these days and I would like to continue that. Generous hearts will be appreciated. Can't guarantee glowing reviews for everything (I'm getting grumpier and pickier in my days) but it seems to be good exposure none the less.
This layoff does not effect the Goodnight Loving record coming out (Yeah, I know, I know...there have been some serious delays surrounding it'll be out very soon) cuz it was already budgeted in before the news came down.
Oh, Beer trades will be welcomed. If not beer for beer-how about records for beer. A handful of Bancroft titles are still available...Let's strike a deal maybe.
Contact info is at the blog or you can reach me here.
Yeah, It's Saturday night and I'm bored. Disregard this schmooze and carry on if nothing else.