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  • Topic: Seattle Area Ramones Tribute Band calls it Quits!

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    • January 24, 2008 1:23 PM CST
    • Untitled

      OK This is just through the grapevine via my friend Helen Wheels; Rich found out yesterday that Greg (who is their Dee Dee Ramone in 1234) has to quit the band due to personal family obligations. He isn't sure that the band will continue, but just in case they do want to carry on I told him I'd put the word out. If you know anyone who might be interested in playing bass in a Ramones tribute band. They have to love the Ramones, somewhat physically resemble Dee Dee (or be willing to transform themself to) and of course have the ability to play Ramones songs on bass. The time committment isn't huge. For more info go here;
    • January 28, 2008 1:41 PM CST
    • Untitled

      POOP! I hate it when I post something and a few days later I get a message like this one from my friend Helen;

      Rich just posted this today on both his blog & 1234's on myspace.
      1234 has decided to call it a day. :(


      Friday, January 25, 2008

      Adios Amigos

      Good evening, folks - Rich Evans from 1234 here. It is with a heavy
      heart that I write these words I'd hoped to not have to write for many

      Bassist Greg Thomsen and drummer Donny Paycheck have left 1234 for
      personal reasons. After much discussion between guitarist Dan Helland
      and myself, we've decided to lay the whole thing to rest. In other
      words, 1234 is no more.

      The split is amicable, and would not have even occured had there not
      been near simultaneous events in Greg's and Donny's lives that
      preclude any hope of their continuing with the band for the forseeable

      There was brief talk between Dan and I of regrouping with different
      members, but the fact is that it would take something just this side
      of a miracle to find another rhythm section as powerful as Greg and
      Donny. As the thought of actually trying to find new players that
      could fit the bill seemed as pleasant as a root canal, we chose to
      pack it in.

      All sides have left open the possibility of playing together again
      someday in the future. For now you can see Donny play with Zeke, Goat
      Throne, Bob Wayne and the Outlaw carnies, and Sammy Barrett. Greg is
      taking a sabbatical from live performance, but is working on an album
      of his songs that is sure to kick some serious ass. Dan is looking for
      a bassist for his solo project, Daniel E Helland and the Nouns.

      As for me, I'm working on two original projects - one rock, one
      acoustic. One of them will likely be called Dicky Moe. The other?
      Well, I'm open to suggestions. I'm also playing bass with The
      Metal-Roke All Stars. Lately I've also been branching out into studio
      work, so if you need vocals, guitar, or bass for a project, (maybe
      even as a producer?)give me a holler.

      I'd like to thank original drummer Hoagie Gero for his years of
      service, and pinch hitter Ken Hahn for filling in on short notice.
      Thanks also to Mark Hanschen, Jonathan Bartlett, Marci Smith, Chris
      Zellner, Adrian Garver, and anyone else who helped us out behind the
      scenes. Thanks also to another Jonathan, who's last name escapes me,
      for making our Gabba Gabba Hey sign.

      Thanks also to Rhonda Thomsen, Jana Paycheck, Patty Rice, Helen
      Halloran, The Mecca Cafe, The Five Point Cafe, Stanwood Hotel, Bobby
      Gundstrom, Lori Durbrow, Trish Becker, John Voge (Exotic Underground),
      Jenny Bendel, Kwab, Michael, John, and all the rest at Sunset Tavern,
      Joey Piss Drunk for giving us our first gig, Shakey Steve, Bobby
      Trash, Ben Rew, Tiffany Shimmers, Dawn Black, Lareina, Sarah, Brett
      Irvine, Fred Zamora, Attila Meszaros, Justin Parks, Don Slack, Dana
      Sims (El Corazon), Rick Wyatt (Fenix), and a host of others I can't
      even think of right now. Thanks also to the handful of writers (Hannah
      Levin, Michaelangelo Matos, etc) that actually gave a tribute band a
      little love!

      I'd also like to thank all of the bands we've been fortunate enough to
      share the stage with. We've been really fortunate to have played with
      so many awesome bands through the years, both local and national. But
      I'd like to give special thanks to Lou Molitch (Murdock / Neon
      Nights), Dick Whiskey and Spike Hell (Go Like Hell / Los Bastardos,
      Doc Hellvis (Dead Vampires), Maiden Seattle (!), The Spits, Space
      Cretins, Living Colour, Zeke, Faster Pussycat, Tad Doyle, Los
      Peligrosos, and innumerable others.

      But there are four groups of people who have been there with us pretty
      much from start to finish. First is DragStrip Riot, particularly
      Knuck. Dude - through all the highs and lows we've both been through
      these past few years, you've always been a straight shooter, and
      that's worth more to me than all the tea in China. Thanks. Now get
      that killer fucking album out already!

      The All American Playboys: Eesh, where do I even start? You guys have
      been so much fun to watch and play with over the years...words can't
      describe. What I wouldn't give for one more show with 1234, All
      American Playboys, and DSR. You guys rule!

      The wonderful folks at The Funhouse, especially Brian Foss: I don't
      even know what to say except thank you from the bottom of my heart for
      the years of great shows, positive vibes and support, mind crushing
      cocktails, and friendship. We always felt like The Funhouse was our
      home base. More than anywhere else, we always looked forward to
      Funhouse shows because we not only knew they would rock, but that we'd
      have a great time just hanging out with you, Cody, Lee, and the rest
      of the gang. Again, thank you for making our little band feel ten feet

      Last but most certainly not least I'd like to thank all of our fans
      for their unwavering support. You made a bunch of middle aged guys in
      wigs feel like rock stars every time we took the stage. Your energy
      made us always want to play harder, faster, and better than we ever
      did before.

      For those I may have missed in this little missive, please understand
      that in trying to sum up over 4 years of friends, shows, and mayhem
      while being bummed out as all fuck my mind isn't exactly running on
      all cylinders. 1234 was a huge part of my life these last few years,
      and it's suddenly non-existent. Though I'm admittedly sad about how
      this all shook out in the end, I'm eternally grateful to all of you
      for the wonderful memories you've given me which I'm certain will last
      me my entire life.

      I've been in a lot of bands over the last 20 odd years, some good,
      some bad, some downright dreadful. I can say without hesitation that I
      never had so much fun playing music with any other band as I did with
      1234. And for that, I thank Greg, Dan, Hoagie, Donny, and all of you.
      See you out there soon...

      Rich Evans

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