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    • January 26, 2008 11:21 PM CST
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      The best advice I can give to any creative regarding process is simply don't edit yourself while creating... Edit later. I set up my mic and guitar and hit record and just start playing / singing whatever... mumble lyrics, sing things that don't make any sense... after a couple hours of this, I go back and listen to what I recored... and pick out the good stuff... one nonsense line maybe the inspiration for a good song.

    • January 25, 2008 1:05 PM CST
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      "Bellllllchhhhhh! & Buuuurrrrp!" is what you would be doing after a crate of that (very good) beer! (Hee-Hee)
    • January 24, 2008 2:02 PM CST
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      And dont forget the crate of Carlsberg, oh and I said that. : )
    • January 24, 2008 12:41 PM CST
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      "OK that's fair. Say what needs to be said. Write what needs to be written. And play what needs to be played." Said Zippy the Zenhead.
      Oh Yeah and "Keepa Rockin!" (Howlin' Houndog said that!)
    • January 24, 2008 2:12 AM CST
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      I don't want to sound overtly vague here but, you'll know when you've got something to write about. My advice would be, "go out and live a little." Take notes. Try to put your experience into your music.

      ZEN UP!
    • January 10, 2008 12:09 PM CST
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      We Just have State run liquor stores here in Washington. You can buy beer and wine and the supermarket (or corner store) if you are over 21 (the legal drinking age here in the USA) any day of the week (except between 2-6 a.m.) but the Wa. St Liquor Control Board runs the sale of hard alcohol in this state. Now if you go to California you can buy booze at the Supermarket. It varies from state to state here in the US. The Legal Drinking Age though is 21 (which also makes it the age you have to be to play clubs too!) It kinda sucks, but I kinda understand.

      Now when I was younger it used to be that Idaho had a legal drinking age of 18 (as Canada still does) but that was like 300 miles away from were I live in Seattle (and Canada was only about 75 miles!) so we used to head up there to get ripped. Now it different and I am 40 and no longer drink. Sigh!

      It seems pretty harsh to tax things like forgien/imported beer that high, but I guess Governments are the same all over the world. Just be glad you aren't in a country where alchohol is illegal.

      What this all has to do with songwriting, I am not sure, but still its interesting.
    • January 10, 2008 10:46 AM CST
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      Well its not exactly illegal, but the Swedish government has strict controls on the sale of alchohol, (Have you heard of the Systembolaget?) its to do with the tax and also regulating what is sold to swedish people, the price of Danish & English beer is extremely expensive. So if you buy cheap beer from Denmark (its about a third to half the price) no money goes to swedish tax, if we were to bring it on to the premises of a venue/club then they would be breaking the law and so get a large fine or closed down. So they freak out a bit about it. And yes its a great topic for a song, ie Black Gold on our forthcomming LP, just thought I'd crow-bar in a bit of promotoin.
    • January 9, 2008 11:59 AM CST
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      Why is Danish beer illegal in Sweden? I liked Carlsberg (even though I no longer drink). Some really fun and good songs have been written the way you describe (if you can remember them when you sober up).

      Fill me in on why the Swedish government doesn't like Danish beer though (sounds like a good topic for a song!)?
    • January 9, 2008 11:44 AM CST
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      Our method is simple but works: set up gear, durms, guitar & bass, buy one crate of contraband strong Danish beer (illegal in Sweden), preferably Carlsberg Black Gold, it seems to work the best. Then start playing whatever comes into your head, usually raucous r'n'r after about 5 cans. It might not be the best r'n'r in the world but after 10 cans who cares. Listen to our song black gold that was written on the stuff.

      Let us know how you get on ......

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