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  • Topic: Distro, how do you go about it???

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    • December 5, 2007 11:56 AM CST
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      Hi Everyone
      we're about to release our first album and are wondering how to disribute it. If you had any tips or suggestions (mail order catalogues, websites, labels, music download websites...) that would be great!
    • February 24, 2008 9:14 PM CST
    • Untitled

      the best in my experiece is to contact directly the small distributors.
      We personally give them 3 or 4 copies for about 3 euro (for a 7") Sell or return.

      You should know the garage ditro...

      Bubca records
      Screeming apple
      Dead by Mono
      Get HIp

      Bla bla bla.

      This is what I do unless you are planning a massive marketing campain. If so then i regret to have sent you this msg

      Tuck the Nackers

      Tha Nacker
    • December 6, 2007 5:36 PM CST
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      I'm sure there's a lot of details but don't forget to TRADE. By doing so you HELP distributing other band's stuff
      and that band distributes yours at gigs. It's simple: start with 10 copies, 20 copies of your fellow bands and and handle them the same amount of your band's stuff. Trade is so underated nowadays but believe me, it works.

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