If you add your show or event of interest to Upcoming.org, you can then send it to our GaragePunk.com - Canada group there so it appears in the event list at the top of this group. Here's a step-by-step on how to do this:
1) Go to www.upcoming.org and log in (if you have a Yahoo ID, just use this, otherwise you'll have to create one).
2) Next, click the "Groups" tab (there, not here) and search for the "GaragePunk.com - Canada" group and join it.
3) After you've logged in and joined the group, click on "Add New Event" and then type in all of the details, including any links to band/venue sites, images, etc. Then click the "PREVIEW" button at the bottom.
4) On the next screen, make sure all of the info is correct, then down on the right side you'll see "Groups" and under that, "Send to group?" Click that, and a menu will appear showing the groups you belong to. Select "GaragePunk.com - Canada" and that will add it to this group. (If you don't see this group listed there, that means you didn't join the group first... read #2 above again.)
You're all done! Just repeat the above steps for any other events you'd like to add.
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy