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  • Topic: Better Late Than Never!

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    • October 28, 2007 7:18 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      Maybe I am a bit slow on the uptake, but it took over 20 years and an article in the very un-garage punk mag, The Wire to finally start listening to The Melvins.
      Since playing their Senile Animal release I've wrapped my ears round Bullhead, Ozma, Stoner Witch and today will be spent listening to Houdini.
      I've even turned a couple of the Nu Metal fans at work on to them.

      It was the same for Husker Du. I bought Land Speed Record when it came out, but didn't pay any attention to any of their releases after that because they weren't "punk" enough.
      Years after they break up I hear a best of album and wonder what they fuck was I thinking? These guys rock! My Cd of Candy Apple Grey is always on high rotation at Yates Manor.

      Let me know what bands you took some time to discover and how.

      Anyway I've gotta go now and read a blog about some guy called Neil Young.

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