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  • Topic: Chicago, Birmingham, AL & Cavestomp '07

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    • August 24, 2007 1:37 PM CDT
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      My day job makes me travel relentlessly. The occasional week at home in San Francisco is a rare blessing. I'm leaving on Sunday for another 2 weeks in the Quad Cities, followed by a weekend in Chicago Sept 7th & 8th. Any decent shows going on? After I'm done with Illinois I'm going to be back and forth to Alabama through October and November. Mostly just Monday through Thursday with occasional week at home. Should any Alabama-ites know of good shows, or just want a beer sometime, hook me up. Oh, I'm also a moderately well-known semi-professional photographer in California. I can bring my Nikon if anyone needs good photographs. Finally, Cavestomp is over my go-live weekend in Alabama, so I guess I'll run up to NY for two of the nights instead of flying back to SF. Be good to see some old friends again.

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