Some of you may remember me as being the host of "40 Oz. Nonsense" (Hell, on some of those episodes I barely remember hosting them), which I felt had run its course and decided to it was time for it to permanently sleep one off. So I took a break (no, not from drinking, silly rabbits), and brainstormed (yeah, I still have a few brain cells left) about what kind of show I would like to do, granted if I decided to ever do this again. Well, "The Escape Pod" is what I came up with...It's a musical "escape" pod(cast), get it? Yeah, it's on the level of "lame groovy", but so what? Honestly, though, this is a different show from "40 Oz. Nonsense", so I can't say just how many of you garageheads are going to dig my latest (misad)venture. Primarily what I'll be playing will be obscure (or fairly obscure, underground, whatever) '60's/'70's rock 'n' roll in such genres as heavy psych, garage, proto-metal/proto-punk, and maybe even some trippy prog and/or glam. I've recorded the first episode, and it was all '60's/'70's tunes, but I will be playing newer bands in the mix as this show progresses. Hopefully there's a few of you here on the Hideout that'll enjoy what I throw together on each episode. I'm always open for suggestions, but don't get offended if I don't take some of you up on them. So here's the maiden voyage, let me know what you thought, and thanks for listening!