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  • Topic: THE DEVIL'S MUSIC!!

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    • July 25, 2014 3:01 PM CDT
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      Read this for inspiration:

      List your favorite songs about SATAN, the ANTI-CHRIST, BEELZEBUB, LUCIFER, or, ya know... HELL, itself!


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • July 26, 2014 10:02 AM CDT
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      Ooh, good topic. I listen to a lot of metal, but I'm going to exclude that, since there are things like Venom-Welcome to Hell album which is pretty much entirely devoted to Satan/ Hell. 


      Big L - Danger Zone (rap)

      Mitch Ryder  - Devil With the Blue Dress

      Stones - Sympathy for the Devil

      Beatles - Devil In Her Heart

      Elvis - You're the Devil In Disguise 

      Robert Johnson - Cross Road Blues

      Bessie Smith - 'lectric Chair

      Os Mutantes - Ave Lucifer 


    • July 27, 2014 7:59 PM CDT
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      Some time , when I have WAY too much time on my hands , I'll have to really peruse that site. It's a laff riot , even if they're not kidding...Tho ' I'd be really surprised if they were.


      Of course , a special section for Roky Erickson is in order.  

      Stand For The Fire Demon , The Wind and More , I Am , I'm a Demon , Bloody Hammer , Burn The Flames , White Faces , Bermuda , The Beast......

      While I'm not a particularly religious person , Roky , it goes without saying , is a sweetheart , a gentle soul , and one of the most Christlike people I've ever met.

      Neal Ford and The Fanatics - Shame on You (The Texan take on......)

      The Sonics - He's Waitin'.

      Rolling Stones - Dancin' With Mr. D .

      Rev. Horton Heat - The Devil's Chasing Me , Don't Shake That Devil Thing at Me.

      James Chance - Christmas With Satan.

      Monochrome Set - Strange Boutique ( I Wanna Be a Devil ) .

      The Mad - I Wanna Be a Devil.

      Robert Johnson - Me and The Devil Blues.

      Velvert Turner Group - Madonna (Of The Seven Moons).

      Mothers - Titties and Beer. 

      Cramps - Aloha From Hell , All Women are Bad .

      Flash and The Pan - Hey , St. Peter.

      Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath , War Pigs.

      Alice Cooper - Go To Hell .

      Motorhead - Ace of Spades (But , not so much "Go To Hell").

      Blue Cheer - Lester The Arrester , Down 'n' Dirty.

      The Satans - Makin' Deals.

      Black Oak Arkansas - Shake The Devil ( ''Ah tell yew whut , ol' son. Why don't big ol' bad Beelzebub                                         come on up and GIT him some ?".).

      PULLSALLAMA -   The Devil Lives in My Husband's Body. 

      Charlie Daniels Band - The Devil Went Down To Georgia.

      Crazy Worlds of Arthur Brown - Fire.

      Jethro Tull - A Passion Play , Edit 8 .

      John Entwistle - Mine.



       Rev. Jimmie Snow , Hank's Son , who unfortunately missed his true calling as a Rockabilly singer. 


    • July 27, 2014 8:02 PM CDT
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      i meant to say I'd be surprised if that site was NOT a put - on , but , The Devil guided my hand.

      Satan , GIT !

    • July 28, 2014 2:57 PM CDT
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      Some of my favs would be

      Walking With The Beast by Gun Club.
      Stand for the Fire Demon by Roky Erickson
      Satan's Got You by Lenny Davis
      Satan´s Theme by the Rondels
      Devil with a blue dress on by Shorty Long 
      ....for a start




    • August 15, 2014 5:47 AM CDT
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      I Walked With A Zombie

      Two Headed Dog

      White Faces (all by Roky Erikson)

      Fire (Arthur Brown)

      He's Waiting (The Sonics)

      Dig Up Her Bones (The Misfits)

      Has anyone noticed the website's implicitly racist message: That black and working class music is evil? Why haven't they attacked jazz on those pages, as that's where it all comes from?

      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • August 15, 2014 1:27 PM CDT
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      Chris , I haven't looked it over in a while , but, these people obviously did their research , and seem to be reversing stereotypes ala "A Modest Proposal" .

      IF YOU WANT A GOOD LAUGH , look up anti - Rock crusader , Bob Larson , from Dallas , on You TUBE.

      He's spent WAY too much time with his Rock records , trying to prove their direct connection to Satanism , to say he does'nt enjoy them. I was working at the Public Radio Station, KNON ,  in 1986 , when his people were trying to bump us off and steal our frequency to expand their own.....They resorted to cheap , PROBABLY ILLEGAL , damn sure ungodly tactics , but ,  KNON is still around. I think LARSON FINALLY HAD A GOOD SCANDAL(?) , NO MATTER ....Look up "Miss Melba Vs. Gay Day" , too. Larson gets religious prank calls.....

    • August 15, 2014 1:35 PM CDT
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      John Battles said:

      Chris , I haven't looked it over in a while , but, these people obviously did their research , and seem to be reversing stereotypes ala "A Modest Proposal" .

      IF YOU WANT A GOOD LAUGH , look up anti - Rock crusader , Bob Larson , from Dallas , on You TUBE.

      He's spent WAY too much time with his Rock records , trying to prove their direct connection to Satanism , to say he does'nt enjoy them. I was working at the Public Radio Station, KNON ,  in 1986 , when his people were trying to bump us off and steal our frequency to expand their own.....They resorted to cheap , PROBABLY ILLEGAL , damn sure ungodly tactics , but ,  KNON is still around. I think LARSON FINALLY HAD A GOOD SCANDAL(?) , NO MATTER ....Look up "Miss Melba Vs. Gay Day" , too. Larson gets religious prank calls.....

      Why doesn't Larson come clean and say he loves rock'n'roll? I love to see that.
      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • August 15, 2014 1:46 PM CDT
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      ....In a weird way , he does , in one documentary I have. He talks about how enduring and anthemic certain hit songs are , then tells you why they are intrinsically satanic

      (Case in point: Did you know the chorus to "Another One Bites The Dust" really says "Start to smoke Marijuana". Or , ELO's "Eldorado" backwards says "He is the nasty one, Christ , you're infernal?".) . Larson claims most of this satanic backmasking is no mere studio trickery ( The kind in which you have to play the record backaward until it's fucked before you can hear what HE hears.) , but is actually spiritual intervention. WOOOOOO.

      I read his book , too , it's a laugh riot. But , look up Miss Melba on You Tube , and the Brother Russell site....THEIR HILARITY WILL BREAK THROUGH ANY POSSIBLE CULTURAL BARRIERS....I know you have people like this in England , too. You might as well have a laugh on them......

    • August 15, 2014 2:16 PM CDT
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      ....Of course , barring The Misfits , Flesheaters. and maybe a few others , I can't think of too much Late 70's - early 80's Punk or New Wave stuff that flirted with Satanic themes. If they did , it was usually tongue - in - cheek. The Satanic schtick was considered played out by Heavy Metal acts.....that is , until they started playing it out in a different way , later.....   And , yet , once the Christian Reich got a hold of Punk , they wrote it off quickly as an extension of Big Bad Devil Rock, without actually doing any research.

      Of course, not all Christians are as quick to make an uninformed assessment about music that will probably not affect them in the unforseeable future. You've got about every genre in Rock imaginable being done with a Xian theme , today.

      But people who have power , money and influence have read waaaaaaaaay too much into this alleged , or imagined , connection between Punk and Devil Worship.

      The Sound Warehouse chain in Dallas was bullied into removing all records that barely got their feet wet in the Black Arts. That might have been Larson's doing , but , I forget. Suddenly , the likes of Venom (Whose God was actually Lager.) , Mercyful Fate , Slayer and the like , were being pulled , alongside The Cramps' strictly for laffs "Aloha From Hell"......

      "I tell you about Punk Rock , it's a term that's based in contempt , elitism , fascism , satanism and everything that's rotten about Rock'n'Roll. It's a term that's used by dilietanntes and heartless manipulators to describe music that takes up the time and the hearts and the minds of young men who give everything they have to it....I don't know Johnny Rotten , but , I'm sure he puts as much blood and sweat into what he does as Sigmund Freud did...".    Iggy Pop.


    • August 15, 2014 10:12 PM CDT
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      LOS YAKI (Mexico) "Diabla con vestido , con vestido , diabla con vestida azul !

      FEE FEE , FI FI FO FO FUM, Miran aeropuerto (Look at the airport?!) here she comes!"....

    • August 24, 2014 8:48 AM CDT
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      Eyes Of Satan - New Bomb Turks (the Pagans cover)

    • August 24, 2014 3:22 PM CDT
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      BTW , I just saw the video for X's "True Love , Pt. 2" for , literally , the first time in 30 years.

      I did'nt know that Chris D. from The Flesheaters and Divine Horseman played The Devil. He did'nt need to be painted red for the part , but , he was. The first time I saw him in person ,  he looked so scary , I just about jumped out of my skin. Of course , he turned out to be a super nice guy.  The Blasters were in  the video , as well. Billy Zoom briefly appears as Gene Vincent , with whom he worked in LA , ca .69-70 .  

      I interviewed Sylvain Sylvain in The 90's. He said , there's always going to be a generation that wants shock - appeal in their music.  He said he did'nt consider the Dolls "Shock" so much as Alice Cooper , because he got across to more people , and pushed the Horror card . But , he said , for him , the REAL shock song was "They're Coming To Take Me Away" by Napolean XIV , when it came out .  Marilyn Manson , he said , just represented something to the kids that Alice Cooper had , previously.    I said , yeah , but , if Marilyn Manson is leading our kids to The Devil , then , The Devil must be one lame- ass motherfucker. 

    • November 25, 2014 4:22 PM CST
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      This is where it goes into conspiracy theory territory:

      Are there any people who oppose rock'n'roll from Marxist, Fascist, Jewish, Islamist, or other perspectives? I know the Soviet Union was against rock'n'roll, as an instrument of American imperialism, but were there any individuals? Franco hated it too, so I wouldn't be surprised he would come up.
      Chris Henniker, Freelance writer at your service. Just send me a private message and we'll work on something.
    • November 25, 2014 5:58 PM CST
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      I'm sure there have been individuals in any well - known , and some not so well - known , religious and / or political organizations , who've opposed Rock 'n'Roll , and others , still , who've supported it , or , at least supported the rights of others to listen to it.

      Whackjobs like Generalisimo WANK - o have always been opposed to anything that represents freedom. I don't want to get too political , here. We all know the music and "Lifestyle'' has met with a lot of opposition , from individuals and groups (Ahhh , but , were they individuals in the first place , would they need groups?). 

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