Hey PUNX !
I looking for local and famous punk rock band coming from California, Los Angeles etc. Gladly same genre as Social Distortion , etc. Please help m,e and sorry for my bad english!
Have a nice day!
Hey PUNX !
I looking for local and famous punk rock band coming from California, Los Angeles etc. Gladly same genre as Social Distortion , etc. Please help m,e and sorry for my bad english!
Have a nice day!
Johan Svendsen said:
I think you need to be a bit more specific... I mean, "looking for punkrock bands"... for what? To listen to? To book? Please elaborate.
Most of the bands that you'll find on this site (or that are recommended via this site) will be more in the trashy, garage-punk style, not your typical "punkrock" bands like the Social Distortion wannabes out there.
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
Also, I doubt anyone here really refers to themselves as "punx"... ;)
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
Johan Svendsen said:
Hey PUNX !
I looking for local and famous punk rock band coming from California, Los Angeles etc. Gladly same genre as Social Distortion , etc. Please help m,e and sorry for my bad english!
Have a nice day!
Check out The Darlings ... http://www.thedarlingsrocknroll.com/
You can also find more information on San Diego and California bands here ... http://sandiegopunk.com/