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    • April 13, 2015 7:25 AM CDT
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      Killed By Porn podcast

      Does anyone know how to get old episodes of some of these  podcasts?? I only have ONE episode of "Killed By Porn" in my computer and cherish it. How do I get other episodes of these now defunct shows???


      Orlando, Floriduh

    • April 13, 2015 9:07 AM CDT
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      Untitled title

      Unfortunately most of our earlier shows that were being uploaded to (and later, are all gone since BOTH of those hosting services ceased support for audio files (and I think Mevio morphed into some other name entirely). That's the risk you take when you rely on third-party hosts, I guess. It's possible that someone has them stored on a hard drive or CDR somewhere, though. Duke might have them himself. You could always ask him directly:


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • April 14, 2015 7:20 PM CDT
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      Untitled title

      Kopper, Only contact I saw was Twitter, which I do not play with.


    • April 15, 2015 8:50 PM CDT
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      Untitled title

      I've been re uploading the old Killed By Porn episodes onto


      you can find them by going to and searching killed By Porn (


      I'm up to episode 36 and uploading more as I get time... doesn't always list them in order, but the first 36 are there.


      As soon as I get all 69 of the originals back online, I'll have to find the surfcast episodes I did, and I may even upload the Killed By Porn #70 I made 3 years ago.

    • April 16, 2015 6:07 PM CDT
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      Killed By Porn podcast

      OK Ho-Dad, so now for us technilogically inept, how do we navigate these trecherous waters, to download on our i-pod devices.???

      Thanks, and where's the dead skin you promised us, back on your surfcast??


    • April 18, 2015 12:42 PM CDT
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      Untitled title

      OH, I just looked at the download options and they are indeed trecherous. This may help... once you click onto the page for the episode you want... you can obviously listen in the player on the page, or you can save the file by right clicking on the VBR MP3 file at the bottom of the page, and selecting 'save link as...' You know it's the original file because it is 38.0 MB for this episode... most episode are around 40 MB. The will give you a file you can drop onto your ipod.

      Untitled-1.jpg (235.04 Kb)
    • July 20, 2015 11:48 AM CDT
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      Untitled title

      ANd I have an update for those who care... Killed By Porn is going to Youtube.  Simply search Killed By Porn there...

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