To Kopper - Yeah , Tony Barber from the (Latter day) Buzzcocks was playing with The Creation at this time...Barber also played in Sham 69 , UK Subs , and reportedly (Tho' he denied it.) The Pork Dukes. In 2001-2 , The Buzzcocks were making plans to reform , after an extended hiatus , so Barber was alternating between The Creation and The Buzzcocks.....Pardon my Rock journalism. I was at the New York show and the two Chicago gigs. They were ON FIRE !!!!
Trace - I was'nt able to access this recording , but I will try again.
I do know one person who made a top notch audio recording of , I think , the second night , but , I have'nt seen them in a long time , and don't know if they made copies for anyone , except , presumably , the band.
I did hear , recently , The Creation are still gigging on occasion.