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  • Topic: DIY Shows

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    • April 16, 2012 7:12 PM CDT
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      hey all,

      I've been part of this two piece band since Thanksgiving last year and in that time i've realized two things: around here a lot of the hip and cool places to play are usually bars and that booking shows anywhere else usually means the shows are far apart and that we'll be playing with bands who's music is pretty different than the garage rock/punk we play. and since i'm still 20 and my drummer is 19, that severely limits where we can play.

      One idea i've been having is to just rent out a banquet hall or something between 2-4 bands and just playing there with our friends and have a little party/show.

      Thing is, i'm not sure where to start. I'm sure there are some of you who've had experience with DIY shows and whatnot, so i thought we could share some tips or ideas or stories here.

      any wisdom from your veteran players out there would be especially helpful.

    • May 1, 2012 4:12 AM CDT
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      We would do this in Aus, too. Set up, do a short 15 - 20 minute set then break down. By the time the police arrive you've long since packed up. The idea was not to look the part. If neighbours see thirty of your mates hanging around, they call the police early.

      By the way, I really love how international this conversation has been.
    • April 30, 2012 6:58 PM CDT
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      You probably just walk in and do it until you're told to leave. Then you run like hell. Haha! WEEEEEE!!!

    • April 30, 2012 1:13 PM CDT
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      Woah, that's cool. I wouldn't even know how to pull that off though. Couldn't someone just shut you down?

    • April 19, 2012 6:09 PM CDT
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      Usually around here the bars are pretty strict.  Lots of em won't let you play unless you're 21 or over. I planning on calling around some of them for exceptions, but since it's legally tied in with their license, very few tend to leave any wiggle room.

    • April 17, 2012 10:43 PM CDT
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      Sam's got a good point. Here in Australia, if you're with your parents or a responsible adult you can be in the pub until six. (maybe eight) Keep us posted on how you go. I'm keen to hear how it all pans out.
    • April 17, 2012 8:27 PM CDT
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      I don't know how it works where you live, but here there are usually local music lovers who do amateur event booking/promoting... look for bands similar to you online and around in "the real world," make friends, and see how they do their booking. The best way, all around, is to network with other bands.

      Also, depending on what your laws are like there, you might be able to play in bars/clubs as long as you make the gig 18-and-over, with wristbands or some other such device to keep the young'uns from drinking. Call the clubs you want to play and try to talk to whoever books the live music there.  They might be able to work something out with you.

      Other than that, your idea of splitting the cost of a hall with some other bands is a time-tested tradition and a damn fine idea. Call around to different places and see what the cost is for each one, find out if you have to get insurance and/or security, and go from there.

      This all seems obvious to me, so sorry if this isn't all that helpful, but hopefully it was.

    • April 17, 2012 5:55 PM CDT
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      thanks for all the feedback guys, it's really appreciated.

      as for the banquet halls i actually hadn't even thought about lighting or insurance. between me and my friend we've got a good PA to work with. Security was something i wasn't sure what to do about either.

      as for stores: it's kinda limited here in the suburbs, a lot of the skate shops and books stores are either Vans and Barnse and Noble, i'm not exactly sure how i'd even approach them about a show.

      record stores are another thing i've been looking into. There's two that i know of that might host shows.

      the one place for all ages show is a pay to play venue that caters mostly to hardcore/metal bands. It's an ok place. I've been also looking for some kind civic/youth center that may allows to do shows. I've heard some colleges will let you book a theater, but i don't know how much that'd cost.

    • April 17, 2012 5:08 PM CDT
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      Don't you guys have youth centres where you are? Maybe an all ages show? Before I moved to Australia, I lived in Canada and a local teenaged band use to play the high schools at lunch. Maybe your local council can help out, too?
    • April 17, 2012 4:55 PM CDT
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      Scott LIVS raises a good point. Apart from sponsorship, record stores may let you do an in-store. I've done a number of them here in Sydney.
    • April 17, 2012 12:41 PM CDT
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      that age thing is really going to hold you back. especially in the states. while banquet halls are cool, the overhead on renting is pretty high. plus you have to rent your own security, insurance, and bring your own PA/Lights.  I've done my fair share and its alot more work than you think it is. 

      here are some suggestions; 

      talk to local book stores / record stores/skateboard shops and try to make some kind of event or fundraiser. those places love it when new people cruz into there places, and if its for a good cause, win win for everybody.

      House partys. especially if you live near a college town. I am sure you know somebody that will let you party at there place, just bring the beer and the people will come.

      but in all seriousness once you hit the 21 mark it gets a lot easier to get shows. just keep practicing and make your band really hard to follow.

      good luck 

    • April 17, 2012 9:28 AM CDT
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      I started my own company for this very reason. I'm forty four and have been floating on the fringe of the Sydney music scene since the mid eighties, so I already knew a lot of promoters, but I just started running my own shows to get gigs. It was easier. You'd ring up the booker and say "I need a night" instead of "can you slot me in?". That built up to my actually booking three rooms. Right now, I'm setting up a mini-festival of garage punk acts. Do it and have a good time. If you have any questions, it might be better to bounce off another country man, but you can ask me any time and I'll try to be helpful.

    • April 16, 2012 11:38 PM CDT
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      Heard from musicians from all over the world that it is really difficult for Garage bands to get shows in clubs and bars because the music industry places its own bands there.

      Now, I did just what you think: I rented a café and invited several bands from all over Europe, and now we start a Garage punk festival.

      I don´t know if it will work in the end, but I think this is the most practical way to start a good Rock´n´Roll evening with your friends.

      I started asking some bands already some time ago, and looked for a good place. After some changes in line-up and place we got this thing together now. It is a lot of coordination work from my side, but costs and the risk of losing money are not too high, I hope. I can tell you more in a few months.

      Fikki (ML)

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