slight change in the lineup times, basically the Beatnik Flies and Flea Bops switched:
9pm - Reverb Galaxy
10pm - Beatnik Flies
11pm - Atomic Mosquitos
12pm - Flea Bops
slight change in the lineup times, basically the Beatnik Flies and Flea Bops switched:
9pm - Reverb Galaxy
10pm - Beatnik Flies
11pm - Atomic Mosquitos
12pm - Flea Bops
Big surf/rockabilly/garage showcase at the Surf Club Live (formerly Chick Hall's) 9pm - Reverb Galaxy 10pm - Flea Bops 11pm - Atomic Mosquitos 12pm - Beatnik Flies http://www.surfclublive.com
Punk Rock and Roll band needs a drummer. Los Angeles/Hollywood local. Contact- drumzneeded@gmail.com
Hello guys & ghouls,
We dare you not to miss this totally gruesome show Friday nite at Genos!
The Quasi-Men will be on 'auto-tron' and taking people captive
and subjecting them to the diabolical sounds of The Beatlords.
Gein & The Graverobbers will finish off anyone left standing
with their horror-rock surf sounds, converting them into full fledged
Z O M B I E S ! !
The body count will be amazing!
Only those who arrive early will be protected from the dreaded "Quasi-Ray"
You have been warned...
this is a little late, but next time, go here: jetlagrnr.com
GOTO Thee Parkside , it's the GEARHEAD hang out, always a trashy time...And Hit Ameoba on Haight St. for some of the best records in California.
Hey to all my trashy friends in the west... I'm flying to San Fran today for work and I have two nights to experience this famous city for the first time. I'm looking for bar / music venue / record store / hangouts / punk shops / and general trashy hangout suggestions.
I'm 22, I have my own equipment...and I'm devoted.
My influences on guitar are Johnny Ramone, Pete Townshend, and Paul Weller.
I live in Boston.
A relatively cheap place to stay would be the St. Mark's Hotel, located on St. Mark's Place in the East Village. I've stayed there a few times myself. It's been over a year since I last stayed there, but at that time single rooms were $110 per day (I'm sure the price has gone up since then) . You have to pay with cash or a traveler's check.
Anything happening in NY? shows? events? Anybody know of a cool, cheap place to stay?
As far as I know there never was an illustrious scene around here. So it looks like it's just the two of us.
Hello Everybody, Well it's that time of the month again. No, not that time of the month. It's time for The Boo's Party. It's going down this Saturday at The Good Nite Bar. We’ll be spinning the rockinest music this side of Zorch. We’ll have free giveaways all night long, there’s even a fire breathing bar tender. Did I mention you get all this for free ! Well, you do have to buy your own Boo’s. So if you have something to do, cancel your plans and make a new plan to attend LA's newest Rock N Roll night, unless you’re a sissy. Also don’t forget to bring your friends and your dancing shoes. Be there or be square
I've always been curious as to how much a band like them would ask. It seems that they would be sure to sell out in their hometown if they headlined a show at EMP or some place like the Showbox. It doesn't seem like a local show is too big of a risky investment, since they could draw more than just the die hards. There are still enough old timers in the area that would go just because they grew up seeing them.
I guess I can always keep my fingers crossed that they might play this year's Bumbershoot.
There are some West Coast promoters interested!! They're just out of my price range unless we get some heavy hitting sponsors behind us to foot the bill...
Don't get me wrong I'd LOVE to see them again. It's just that I can't get my hopes up for a west coast show because there arn't any big Garage weekenders over here. But if they play I'd be the first to buy a ticket. Couldn't make it on Saturday because it was a friend's birthday. I'll be there for the next one for sure though. I'm sure I missed out
It's that kind of " i'm all right jack " attitude that has put this country in the sorry state it's in ....shame on you . ?;0)
So where were you saturday nite ?
That would be FANTASTIC! I was lucky enough to make it to their gig in New York and would love another opportunity to see them on stage. The thing is I don't think any promoter out here is interested. A damn shame I say! Oh well I saw them :P
Firstly, I have a new CD out called Howlin' Houndog "Loud & Live (in the studio)" I hope you will look for it at your local music store. Secondly, I am gonna be down in Portland on April 5th. Here are the details;
be sure to tune in that afternoon (link provided below for those who are not in Portland)
05 Apr 2008, 12:00 PM
Portland, Oregon 97207
Cost : FREE!!
I’ll be appearing live on KPSU AM 1450 (Portland Oregon) at Noon on Saturday April 5, (also on-line via streaming audio) on my friend Ricardo Wang’s show "What’s This Called?" Tune in, it will be something way different from the Live Show that night.
Then I am gonna be at the Tonic Lounge (3100 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97212) with my old pals The Headliners and a new Portland band called Doomtown Supersect plus Bellingham’s Holy Tailfeathers at 8:00 p.m. I will be performing as a duo that night with Ji Tanzer on drums. Here are the details;
Howlin Houndog & Infamous Loosers
05 Apr 2008, 08:00 PM
3100 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97212
Cost : $6
For Info on the bands I am performing with at the Tonic on April 5th go here;
THE HEADLINERS - http://www.myspace.com/theeheadliners
THE HOLY TAIL FEATHERS - http://www.myspace.com/holytailfeathers
DOOMTOWN SUPERSECT-http://www.myspace.com/11788103
HOWLIN HOUNDOG-http://www.myspace.com/infamousloosers
I hope to see you at the show!
Howlin Houndog (solo) Candy Apple (from Chico Ca.) and The Heels March, 20 2008 at The Funhouse! 206 5th Ave (next to McDonald’s), Seattle, Washington Cost : $6 I got a last second solo opener for Thurs 3/20 with The Heels and Candy Apple (from Chico Ca) at the Funhouse! I hope you can make it out! I’ll be doing some new material from my new CD you probably haven’t heard yet. See you! 9:30pm, $6 Here is the info; The Heels - http://www.myspace.com/theheelsrock Candy Apple (Ca) - http://www.myspace.com/candyapplegarage Howlin’ Houndog- http://www.myspace.com/infamousloosers
I'll be there and it's going to be my birthday. So everyone buy a Newcastle for the tall guy with the glasses. See you there
March 11, 2008 Rory Justice & his Ubangi Rockers: Let's Bop (Rock And Roll Flu) Star Devils: Red Hot Ridinghood (Devil's Music) Dusty Chance & the All Nighters: Lost My Marbles (Savage) Luis & the Wildfires: Wild In The Head (Brain Jail) Pete & the Atomics: Honey Bee (Let's Talk About The Good Times) Tribal Bops: Crazy In Love (The Complete...) Deke Dickerson: Itchin' For My Baby (King Of The Whole Wide World) Eddie Bond & his Stompers: Talkin' Off The Wall (Early Recordings) Smith's Ranch Boys: How Baby How (Barnyard Favorites) Lucky Stars: Don't Count Your Chickens (Stay Out Late) Round Up Boys: Whirlwind Mary (Another Night, Another Time) Nightriders: Lookin' For My Baby (Lokey Dookey) Eddie Baxter: Fortune Cookie Pt.1 (Kapp) Roy "Boogie Boy" Perkins: Drop Top (Ram) Eldorados: What's Bugging You Baby (Best Of...) Eddie Bell & his Bel-Aires: He's A Square (Bel-Aire) Jackie Lee Cochran: Ruby Pearl (Decca) Graham B: Rock And Roll Fever (Speaks) Glen Glenn: Everybody's Movin' (Glen Rocks) Jeff Daniels: Switchblade Sam (Big Howdy) Dwight Pullen: Sunglasses After Dark (Carlton) Van Brothers: Servant Of Love (Poor Boy) Jerry Parsons & the Blue Jeans: Don't Need No Job (Amp) Wildebeests: Alles Aboard (Sticky Death Molecule) Ne'er Do Wells: Shimmy Shake (Gift Of Knowledge) Nylon: She's A Windup (Cover Song Series) Fine Lines: Lose Control (Set You Straight) Milkshakes: Cadalina (19th Nervous Shakedown) Brimstone Howl: Uptight / The Gates 2 (Shake Your Ass) Forbidden Tigers: Next In Line (Magnetic Problems) Pamila Tiffins: Shake That Beat (Bang City) Jags: Back Of My Hand (Evening Standard) Gentleman Jessie & his Men: Going Out Of My Mind (Douchemaster) Ramones: Oh Oh I Love Her So (Leave Home) Portugal Japan: Boy Meets Girl (s/t) Love Boat: Love Boat Song (Shake Your Ass) Beat Beat: Lock The Door (Spin The Bottle) Yolks: Don't Blame Me (Bachelor) Nodzzz: I Don't Wanna Smoke Marijuana (Make A Mess) Black & Whites: Savage (s/t) Quan & the Chinese Take Outs: Scrap It (demo) Lulu's Marble: Candy (Love Rock) Los Creeple People: Lookin' 4 Love Primordials: She's A Girl (Fourteen Prime Numbers) Fallen Leaves: Trouble (EP) Primate 5: I Need You Luh (Goodbye Boozy) Mummies: A Girl Like You (Death By Unga Bunga) Riots: Tell Me Tonight (Love After) Trash 5: I Gotta (Lucid Dreams Of Dr Seed) Brimstone Howl: Children Of Perdition (Boom Chick) Firewalkers: Let's Do The Twitch (Nervous Breakdown) Pappys: Baby Baby (s/t) Cheap Time: Wild Life (Douchemaster) Los Idiotas: Una Vez Tuve Tu Amor (Slovenly) Shit Eagles: Girls In School (Florida's Dying) Catholic Boys: Sometimes Baby (Psychotic Voodoo Mind Control) Dinette Set: First Name Initial (Rockers And Recliners) Dishrags: Love Is Shit (Love/Hate) Mugwumps: That Heartbeat (Banana Brain) Boys Club: 2-D World (Bachelor) Boys: I Call Your Name (s/t) Raxola: Steal It (s/t) CoCoComa: She Gets To Heavy (Holds Too Tight) (s/t) Loli & the Chones: Hot And Bothered (PS We Hate You) Sonic Chicken 4: Too Much To Drink Last Night (s/t) Goodnight Loving: Another Foggy Yesterday (Crooked Lake) Reverend Beatman: Another Day Another Live (Surreal Folk Blues Gospel Trash 2) Bob Urh & the Bare Bones: There She Is (Swamp-o-delic) Bob Burns & the Break Ups: Who's That Girl (Frustration) Morning Shakes: All Fucked Up (Wallabies) Kill-A-Watts: Let's Get High Voltage (Flying Bomb) Modern Primitives: Jobs Are For Squares (s/t) Last Sons Of Krypton: Ready Aim Fire (s/t)
I'm in DeKalb - just moved a couple months ago from Wisconsin. But my wife is from the Champaign area! We used to hang around in C-U years ago, but don't get there often enough anymore. Anyway, in the event that we're in town on a Friday, we'll have to stop in.
OK here is the scoop, This Friday March 14th Howlin' Houndog will he playing at the Conor Byne Pub in Ballard with Purty Mouth and Southbound Union for a Hillbilly Hoedown there. Here is info on that line up;
Hopefully we should have copies of the new Howlin' Houndog & The Infamous Loosers CD "Loud & Live (in the studio)" for sale. We'll cross our fingers for that.
Then on Saturday Mar 15th 2008 there will be a triple bill with Vagrant Records bands’ Seattle's own grunge mad WAD, Canada's 24 Hour Church of Beer and a special appearance by Vagrant Records own owner Erik "Howlin' Houndog" 4-A. Come feel the LOVE at the Lakepointe Bar & Grille (18018 61st Ave NE, Kenmore, Washington 98028) and all for for only a messily $5! The funs starts at 9:00 p.m.
Here are details on all these bands and their latest releases you can go here;
for Vagrant Records of Seattle Washington;
for the band WAD;
or for the band 24 Hour Church Of Beer;
and for Howlin' Houndog;
New CD Releases by Howlin' Houndog and 24 Hour Church of Beer comin' in Spring 2008!
Don't miss 'em! We hope to see you on either Fri March 14th or Sat March 15th!
Keepa Rockin!