Gonna be in Winston May the 3rd....details and bands and stuff to come...along with other fun stuff like the "Rey and Reina del Sleaze"
Gonna be in Winston May the 3rd....details and bands and stuff to come...along with other fun stuff like the "Rey and Reina del Sleaze"
January 15, 2008 Nosey Joe & the Pool Kings: Breakin' Up The House (s/t) Cherry Casino & the Gamblers: Fat Mama's Daughter (Fat Mama's Daughter) Screamin' Jay Hawkins: What That Is (The Whamee) Medallions: Ookey Ook (Whatcha Gonna Do?) Round Up Boys: Whirlwind Baby (Another Night, Another Town) Elvis Presley: Tell Me Why (RCA Victor) Reverend Beat Man: Blue Moon Of Kentucky (Surreal Folk Blues Gospel Trash vol.2) Vince Taylor & the Playboys: Baby Let's Play House (Black Leather Rebel) Truly Lover Trio: Pretending (Dance To The Sounds Of...) Buck Stevens & the Buckshots: If You Can Dance (s/t) Radio Ramblers: I Like A Lotta Things (Hot To Trot) Aces Wild: Hypnotized (Get Gone) Reverend Organdrum: Bim Bam Baby (Hi Fi Stereo) Slim Jim & the Bop Cats: Boogie Bop Dame (ep) Johnny Beam Rockin' Trio: Boom Boom Boom (Let's Go) Thirteen Stars: The Rockin' Blues (Every Mile Of Track) Dusty Chance & the Allnighters: Howl At The Moon (The Real Deal) Jack Gale & the Medicine Men: The Sloppy Madison (Columbia) Walter Stone, The Maniac: I'm Not Good Looking (White Trash Rockers) Luis & the Wildfires: Yeah Yeah Come Another Day (Brain Jail) Luis y Los Wild Teens: Mean Streak (Rip It Up!) Pete & the Atomics: She Just Turned 21 (Let's Talk About The Good Things) Star Mountain Dreamers: Slippin' Syrup (Greetings From El Paso) Scottsmen: Tough Enough (Knock You Flat) Bobby & Laurie: I Belong With You (Devil's Children) Primordials: Say Alright (Fourteen Prime Numbers) Venetian Blinds: Quit Your Belly Achin' Baby (Texas Punk From The 60's) Swingin' Neckbreakers: Stop, Drop, Wiggle (The Return Of Rock) Ape City R&B: Fire Starter (La-Ti-Da) Anomalys: Nat Approved (Slovenly) Zeros: Wild Weekend (Don't Push Me Around) Replacements: Run It (Hootenanny) Fleshtones: First Date (Take a Good Look) Yardbirds: A Certain Girl (Best Of...) Nob Dylan & the Nobsoletes: I Wanna Be Your Lover (Positively 12 Stiff Dylans) The Times: Glad Not Sad (Devil's Children) Kaisers: Looking Back (Wild Wild) Black Dynamites: Ginny Ginny (Rockin' Ramona) Monteseas: Up Down Sue (Rockers...Shakers!) Sonic Chicken 4: Sha La La La Love (s/t) Coconut Coolouts: Pizza Regret (Seeing Eye) Terminals: She's Gone Popcorn (Forget About Never) Trust Fund Babies: White Trash Rock And Roll (s/t) B Girls: Fun At The Beach (Roots OF Power Pop) Ramones: California Sun (Leave Home) Go-Go's: Chicken Of The Sea (Everybody's Going Surfin'....) Pit Men: Surf Bored (Pit) Underbeats: Foot Stompin' (Soma) Four Wheels: Central High Playmate (Soma) Sonics: He's Waiting (Boom!) Crucials: You Ain't The One (???) Beat Beat Beat: Cheap Time (Douche Master) Carbonas: Frustrate Me (s/t) CoCoComa: Too Tired (s/t) Tempos: You're Driving Me Out OF My Mind (Speaking Of The...) Okmoniks: Little Bit More Hate (In-Fi) Angel Sluts: My Baby Can Rock And Roll (Wrecked 'em) Len Price 3: Turn It Around (Rent A Crowd) Maharajas: Trapped (In Pure Spite) Resonars: No Problem At All (Nonetheless Blue) Treeberrys: Silly Girl (s/t) Griefs: Eur Nothin' (Throwin' A Temper Tantrum) Satelliters: I'll Make You Sorry (Where Do We Go?) Touch-Me-Nots: Shame Shame Shame (Chros Owen Said It, We Believe It, That Settles It) Dean Carter: I Got Girl (Call Of The Wild) Denny & Kenny Duo: Meet My Little Sweety In The Night Time (Ikon) Buffaloes: She Wants Me (GMC) Renegades: She's Your Find (Grains Of Time) Intruders: Total Raunch (Cinema) Chaparral Trio: Roxanne (Notsouh) Ultimates: Little Girl (Lavender) Jerry & the Playmates: Wanta Love You (Grains Of Time)
January 8, 2008 Leon & Carlos: Rock Everybody (Liberty Tone) Randy Spangler & the Country Cats: Rock And Roll Baby (Mart) Big Sandy & the Fly-Rite Trio: Hi-Billy Music (Jumpin' From 6 To 6) Horton Brothers: Red Hot Flame (Roll Back The Rug, It's The...) Smith's Ranch Boys: N-O-T-H-I-N-G (More Barnyard Favorites) Carl Perkins: Caldonia (Sun) Emmett Davis: How About It Baby (Frantic) Jerry J Nixon: We're Gonna Wang Dang Doodle (Gentleman Of Rock And Roll) Radio Ramblers: Fever Bound (Hot To Trot) Dale Hawkins: Wild Wild World (Oh-Suzy Q) Star Mountain Dreamers: Hound Like Me (Greetings From El Paso) Tennessee Trio: Honey Lovin' Gal (Don't Call Me Up) Art Ontario: Wiggle Walkin' Boogie (Illinois) Lynn Pratt & his Rhythm Cats: Red Headed Woman (Hornet) Charlie Feathers: On Good Gal (Norton) Roddy Jackson: Jukebox Baby (Central Valley Fireball) Scotty McKay: Bad Tines (Norton) Johnny Bach & the Moonshine Boozers: Sugar Sugar (Baching Mad) Flatfoot Shakers: The Way You Treat Me (Let's Go To Planet Bop) Droptops: She's My baby (Wild Hare Records Presents...) Lee Dresser & the Krazy Kats: Wiggly Little Mama (Damon) Tempests: Rockin;' Rochester (Lifetime) Dub Dickerson: Boppin' In The Dark (I Am An Ape!) Alan Barnicoat w/the Bob Freeman Orchestra: Savage (Rocket) Donny Lee Moore: I'm Buggin' Out (Golden Crest) Bailey's Nervous Kats: Countdown (Get Nervous) Abstracts: Bo-Gumbo (Bo Did It)'s: Daddy Goes Out To Jail (Pretty Little Lilly Can Dance No More) Primates: I Go Ape (We Are The...) Spectors: That Girl Is Leaving Town (Beat Is Murder) Reducers: Maximum Depression (Let'S Go) Barracudas: Little Red Book (Through The Mysts Of Time) Frantic V: I Got A Girl (On The Move) Makers: Shout On My Brother (Shout On) Jet Boys: I'm Gonna Be You're The One (Jumpin' Jet Flash) Poppees: Jealousy (Roots Of Power Pop) Heats: When Your Mine (Smoke) The Now: I Wanna Go Steady With You (s/t) Treeberrys: Ah Ah I Can't Wait (s/t) The Late Show: What Can I Do (Portable Pop) Star Jets: What Can I Do (God Bless The...) Raxola: Old Rat (s/t) Cheap Trick: He's A Whore (s/t) Redd Kross: Clorox Girls (Annette's Go The Hits) Infections: 100MPH (Kill The...) Half Rats: ??? (Culture Cast) Stilettos: Walk Away (Stimulousblackboxresponse) Cat Burglars: You Got It (Tooth Decay) Functional Blackouts: Rat's Cage (The Very Best Of The Monkeys) Mummies: That Girl (...Play Their Own Records) Fine Lines: Corinne (Set You Straight) Milkshakes: Little Bettina (19th Nervous Shakedown) Dogmatics: Teenage Lament (Everybody Does It) Coconut Coolouts: Weekend (Seeing Eye) Burning Hatreds: Hit The Road (Bughouse) Romance Novels: Quarter To Four (Pizza Party) Teenie Cheetahs: You're Nuts (Come Dance To The Beat Of...) Wailers: You Weren't Using Your Head (Livewire!!!) Sonic Chicken 4: On My Way (s/t) Elektras: Say You Love Me (Bachelor) Satelliters: For You (Where Do We Go?) Graham Day & the Goalers: Soundtrack To The Daily Grind (Soundtrack To The Daily Grind) Goodnight Loving: Life Ain't So Great (Contaminated) Gondoliers: It's Too Late (s/t) Maharajas: Not A New Sensation (In Pure Spite) CoCoComa: I Swear (s/t) Loli & the Chones: Hot And Bothered (PS We Hate You) Campus Tramps: Curves Ahead (Curves Ahead) DMZ: Mighty Idy (s/t) Superfly TNT's: Louise (Real) Carbonas: Phone Booth (s/t) Toyotas: Get Snotty With You (...Make Headlines) Digger & the Pussycats: 10 Car Pile Up (Young Tight And Alright) Love: Tonight She's Dead (s/t)
January 1, 2008 Ricardos: Wild Saturday Night On Earth (Wild Saturday Night On Earth) Santos: Move Along Baby (Wild Records Presents...) Star Mountain Dreamers: She Drives Me High (Greetings From El Paso) The Rizlaz: Be My Girl (Rough House Rock And Roll) Ronnie Self: Bop A Lena (Columbia) Yuichi & the Hilltone Boys: Boppin' Allright Mama (Rough House Rock And Roll) Radio Ramblers: Mumblin' Fits (Hot To Trot) Jimmy Lee Prow: You Tell Her I Stutter (King) Vince Murphy & the Catalinas: Speechless (Norton) Gene Maltais: Lovemakin' (Regal) Gene Summers: Straight Skirts (The Ultimate School Of Rock And Roll) Elvis Presley: A Big Hunk O' Love (RCA) Smith's Ranch Boys: High Geared Daddy (More Barnyard Favorites) Hank's Jalopy Demons: Dig You Baby (I'm Going Straight...) Mean Devils: Tootsie Coo (A Date With Devils) O'Clock K-Beans: Boppin' Frog Clemenza (Rough House Rock And Roll) Gene Rambo & the Flames: My Little Mama (Norton) Kenny Lund: Rip It Up Potato Chip (Desperate Rock And Roll) Phil Barclay &the Sliders: I Love 'em All (Doke) Louis Jordan: Fire (Rock And Roll) Ray Johnson & the Bystanders: A Yellow Mellow Hardtop (Dootone) Tommy Law: Cool Juice (Crest) Ba Ba Thomas: Miss Shake It (King) Sinners: Nightmare (Eden) Bo Diddley: Cadillac (Bo Diddley Is A Gunslinger) K-Dets: Malt Liquer (Heart Attack) Coconut Coolouts: Pizza Regret (Seeing Eye) Maharajas: Yeah Yeah (In Pure Spite) Manikins: It's Only Blood (Epileptic) Teengenerate: Dressed In Black (Get Action) Monteseas: Do The Slide (Ballroom Bash!) Rattles: Red Hot (Die Singles A's & B's 1963-1965) Losin' Streaks: Leaving Here (Sounds Of Violence) Kingsmen: That's Cool, That's Trash (Very Best Of...) Montereys: Bo Did It (Bo Did It) Les Cockroaches: Nobody Likes Me (Solid Sex Lovie Doll) Half Rats: Throw It Around (Culture Cast) Sonic Chicken 4: Girl 66 (s/t) Primordials: I Want Her Too (Fourteen Prime Numbers) Hullabaloos: If You Don't Know By Now (s/t) Red Button: Gonna Make Her Mine (She's About To Cross My Mind Again) Mark & the Spies: But I Do (s/t) Midways: Shake It Up (Music For Cats) CoCoComa: I Don't Mind (s/t) Mugwumps: That Heartbeat (Banana Brain) Epsilons: Drunk On Love (Killed 'em Deader n' A Six Card Poker Hand) Gondoliers: Good Help (s/t) Griefs: You Know Its So (Throwing A Temper Tantrum) Heartaches: Dance City (Too Cool For School) Carbonas: Frustrate Me (s/t) Ape City R&B: 45 (Bughouse) Heartattacks: Wanted You (Here Comes The....) Perter Pan Speedrock: My GTO (Attack From Planet Devil Dog) Graham Day & the Goalers: Get Off My Track (Soundtrack To The Daily Grind) Wild Billy Childish & the Musicians of the British Empire: Combover Mod (Punk Rock At The British Legiaon Hall) Tempos: You Got Me Going Out Of My Mind (Speaking Of The Tempos) Rainbows: Beautiful Delilah (Smash Boom Bang) Sir John & the Starfighters: Lost John (Ruhrgebeat) Beat Merchants: Hippy Hippy Shake (The Beats Go On) Peter Berry & the Shake Set: Shake It Out With Me (Wildberry Shake) 5 Torquays: There She Walks (Mas Rock And Roll) Boonaraaas: One One Zero (5 Steps Ahead) King Automatic: It's A Girl Thing (I Walk My Murderous Intentions Home) Glads: My Baby's Got It (Music For Cats) Strate Coats: 1 4 5 (Hook Or Crook) Digger & the Pussycats: 100 Degrees (Young Tight And Alright) Intellectuals: Vinyl Junkie Paranoia (Invisible Is The Best) Slow Slushy Boys: Knockin' At My Door (Ballroom Bash!) Urges: Urges Theme (Psych Ward)
An intimately Shocking Fun fest!
jan 26th only @ GENOS ROCK CLUB!
with boston pyschobilly legends
PULP 45!!!! (ft ex members of Ghouls Night Out,and Demon Seeds!)
and home town hero's
(as featured in the june issue of Rolling Stone!)
and of course life and in "person"
interdimensional sex symbols
special equipment has been installed in the premises to bring this to you
in thrilling 3D OPTIVISION!
More then a rock n roll show...An Experience!
Real life addicts portray todays youth going WAY OUT for kicks
A little reminder:
Friday Jan. 25th
All Ages
Bottom of the Hill in S.F.
Doors at 8
Show at 9
The Mr T Experience 11:00
The Hi-Fives 10:00
The Helper Monkeys 9:00
And then there's "The Friday Show"... where there's more bounce to the ounce. Here's this week's playlist:
PM Edition "The Friday Show"
Stream it live 1-5p central U.S. time every Friday on wojb.org
Y'all have a great weekend!
I hate you so much sometimes...
Good idea Charles, I think you can be pretty smart too, but since you didn't write what city you were referring to in the subject line I don't know where your post is taking place
Yeah, I ditched the iCal idea myself. I actually tried it out first, and couldn't get it to work as well integrating it into this site as the Upcoming.org calendar groups, which are actually pretty cool, and I was able to pipe the RSS feed into feedburner and have it display the events in the order in which they're happening (as opposed to the order in which they were posted), and that's what is appearing at the top of every regional group on here. Anyway, if people actually add their shows and stuff to that calendar group on Upcoming, then it can work great. And yeah, putting the city name (or at least an abbreviation like "NYC") will help, too.
Are you kidding! Man Baltimore is the best these days, such a great rock and roll scene there these days. Keep an eye out for the following bands, and when they play at a joint you know that that place is a cool place to start being at: Blondsai www.myspace.com/blondsai Fishnet Stalkers The Ripovs The John Hardy Boys Lazlo Lee and the Motherless Children Thee Lexington Arrows The Mob Warehouse Band That's just a couple off the top of my head, but start with them on myspace, and you'll find a ton of other great bands in the area
Hey! I'm posting this for a friend:
Gigging original band in New Jersey seeks accomplished, energetic second guitarist. Strong rhythm and lead capabilities. Someone well-versed in raunchy rock'n'roll, punk, rockabilly and country. We like and listen to The Stooges, Gun Club, Rolling Stones, Beasts of Bourbon, Cramps, Mad Daddys, Sonics, Jet Black Berries, Godfathers, Stax, Johnny Cash. Team player, attitude and style a must.
email: ebony71298@mypacks.net
Saturday Jan 12th - Mr T's Bowl
The Boars, The Guilty Hearts, The Jinxes, The Thingz
Sunday Jan 20th - The Echo
Jail Weddings
Friday Jan 25th - The Scene
The Slow Poisoner, Haunted George, The Dagons & DJ Mike Decay
Saturday Jan 26th - Zen Sushi
Live Fast Die!, Static Static, The Small Steppes and TBC
Thursday Feb 7th - Alex's Bar
Inazuma, The Flying Saucers
Thursday Feb 14th - El Rey
The Black Lips, Pierced Arrows, Terrible Twos
Friday Feb 15th - The Blowout Night #1 - Mr.T's Bowl
Nikki Corvette, Jail Weddings, The Dazes, Wild Weekend, Thee Cormans
Saturday Feb 16th - The Blowout Night #2 - Mr.T's Bowl
Deke Dickerson's All Star Frat Band, The Okmoniks, Special Ed, Th' Losin' Streaks, The Lateenos, The Del Lames, The Jinxes, The South Bay Surfers
Sunday Feb 17th - The Blowout Night #3 - Mr.T's Bowl
The A-Bones, Rock N Roll Adventure Kids, The Guilty Hearts, Haunted George, Les Hormones, Wounded Lion
Friday Feb 22st - The Echo
Her Grace The Duchess
Sunday Feb 24th - Alex's Bar
Her Grace The Duchess, Jail Weddings, The Commotions
Monday Feb 25th - The Scene
The Golden Boys, The Black, Haunted George, The Lamps
Saturday March 8th - Mr.T's Bowl
The Fall-Outs, Unatural Helpers, The Lamps
Friday March 14th - The Scene
Woman!, The Guilty Hearts
Saturday May 17th - The Troubadour
The Dirtbombs, Dan Sartain, The Terrible Twos
Come see Howlin Houndog & Infamous Loosers do 2 sets @ The Boxcar Alehouse in Magnolia for FREE! 18 Jan 2008, 09:00 PM 3407 Gilman Ave W., Seattle, Washington 98199 Cost : FREE!! Not only am I back at the Boxcar for another show, but this time I am back with my band for 2 sets on Friday Jan 18th from 9-11 p.m. and it is FREE!! If all goes well this will become a regular thing for us there. We hope to see you all at the show!
The show in St Louis has now returned to the Underground at the Red Sea! First band at 10:00!
Thee Fine Lines
w/ The Nevermores
and more
The Underground (under the Red Sea on Delmar)
St. Louis, MO
Jan 11
Probably $5
Thee Fine Lines
w/ The Monte Carlos
Eastside Tavern
Columbia MO
Jan 12
Probably $5
Four hours of classic & neo-Garage, Mod, Brit Invasion (ain't they nearly about the same thing?), Punk (proto-, post-, classic...), Psyche, Indie, a little Surf & Rockabilly, some primitive 'lectric Blues, a pinch of Insurgent Country and anything else I feel like cramming into the mix. Give it a listen and tell me how you feel...
How does an out of towner go about buying a pass? I'll be heading up to Portland for this one...
Slabtown Bender: Everything You Need to Know Slabtown Bender February 1st, 2nd and 3rd Hot on the heels of the official Holiday Season, Portland gets BENT. Some of the finest rock 'n' roll action from around the country will be performing at this year's Slabtown Bender. Last year the Bender announced the arrival of new Slabtown owners--one year later, they are still alive. Here's to doing it all over again. Bender 08 will be EPIC. Please note: more up-to-date Bender info can be found on the Slabtown Bender myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/slabtownbender Slabtown Bender 08 The Line-up (subject to change, and likely will; keep checking) FRIDAY 2/1 Head Top Ten The Knights of the New Crusade Die Rotzz The EEgos Ladies Night The Leaders Epic Sessions The Pity Fucks SATURDAY 2/2 TBA Livefastdie The Pets Les Hormones Howie & The Hot Knives Pleasure Kills Shiny Things Reptilian Civilian Cafeteria Dance Fever MATINEE The Teutonics The Swiss Family Skiers Thee Manipulators The Flip Tops SUNDAY 2/3 Pierced Arrows Fi Fi Fo Fums Nice Boys Rock 'n' Roll Adventure Kids Pure Country Gold Sleepwalkers RIP Nightslaves Meth Teeth MATINEE The Silver Lions 20/20 The Pack AD The Bill Collectors The Wittdrawls The Details ADMISSION Day of show: $10 Festival Wristbands Cost: $25 Available Thursday, February 24th at the following locations. Slabtown 1033 NW 16th Ave Green Noise 2615 SE Clinton Centaur Guitar 2833 Ne Sandy Blvd Bender Wristbands cover admission for the entire weekend. Wristband/Listening Party Thursday, January 24th 9pm Bender Wristbands available at Slabtown all night for $20. DOORS Night Shows: 6pm wristband or ten bucks Doors for Saturday and Sunday Matinees: Noon Matinees start at 2pm, no ticket or wristband required. Hangover breakfast and drink specials available. Slabtown 1033 NW 16th Portland, OR www.slabtownbar.com http://www.myspace.com/slabtownbar http://www.myspace.com/slabtownbender
I posted a video from last night in the videos section in case anyone missed it...
Awesome, Liz. Thanx for the info.
What I gather from the flyer it starts at 9pm and only the Flakes are playing. I've been to Satisfaction a bunch and I've only seen them have 1 band play and about 3 dj's. Another notable thing from said flyer is that there's some major road construction in the hood.
(look for LITTLE PEDRO Sign)"
Anyone know if anyone else is playing, what time it starts, etc? Thanks in advance.
THE EYE PRESENTS! January, 25 2008 at The Scene Bar 806 E. Colorado Blvd, Glendale, California 91205 Cost : $6 Show starts at 10 but doors will open at 9:30 with Mike Decay - spinning Blues Shouters! Dance Floor Crowders! Screamin' Rhythm & Boo's! 50's Monster R'n'R! Psychotic Trash and Waavy Gravy Lunacy just for you! DJ Mike Decay http://www.myspace.com/mikedecay 10 PM Haunted George http://www.myspace.com/hauntedgeorge 11PM The Slow Poisoner (SF) http://www.myspace.com/slowpoisoner 12PM The Dagons http://www.myspace.com/thedagonsla The EYE Booking and Publicity http://www.myspace.com/theEYEbooking View the AWESOME Flyer http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg91/ElizaDaysEYE/scenesmall25.jpg BE THERE!! THE EYE HAS SPOKEN!