That is frickin awesome!
amoebaboy said:
steel saucer desk lamp
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That is frickin awesome!
amoebaboy said:
steel saucer desk lamp
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steel saucer desk lamp
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hotrod zombie saucer
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fat elvis with a cheeseburger in a pink flying saucer
Cassoulet de Toulouse recipe:
Ingredients for 8 persons : 600 gr [1.3 lbs] white kidney beans (haricot beans) / 800 gr [1.8 lbs] bacon / 1 kg [2.2 lbs] pork meat (loin, knuckle…) / 1 kg [2.2 lbs] lamb meat / 8 pieces of preserved goose / 1 Toulouse sausage / 1 pork rind /
400 gr [14 oz] tomatoes / 200 gr [7 oz] carrots / 7 onions / 10 garlic cloves /
5 cl [2 fl oz] olive oil / 1 bouquet garni (bunch of aromatic herbs) / 3 cloves / thyme / salt & pepper
- Soak the beans into water during 1 night then rinse them generously.
- Cover the bottom of a large casserole with the pork rind and display the beans on it.
Add the bacon, the pealed onions pricked with the cloves, the bouquet garni,
3 crushed garlic cloves, the pealed and cut (into 8 pieces) carrots. Season with salt & pepper, cover with water ; put a lid and simmer for 2 hours.
- During this simmering, fry the pork and lamb pieces in oil. Add 4 pealed and minced onions and 2 pealed and minced garlic cloves. Spread with thyme then
add the tomatoes cut into pieces. Season with salt & pepper, then add 5 cl /
2 fl oz water, cover and let simmer for 1 hour.
- Right before the beans are cooked, take out the bouquet garni, the onions and the pork rind.
Cut the rind into small cubes then put them back with the beans, together with the sausage and the preserved goose. Add the meats with all the cooking juice and other ingredients. Gently mix and simmer for another 20 minutes.
This must be served very hot but can be re-heated and with a red wine served at room temperature and after putting the whiskey flower LP on your turntable of course !!!
yiiihaaaaa !!!
give us your cassoulet recipe!
Quelle heure nous mangeons?
Yes please!!
Nasty Product said:
it feets with the bad weather !avec le temps pourri qu'il fait à toulouse ça feet mega bien, héhé
Not so bad
aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhhhhh: the best way to eat !!!
what are your favorite holiday meal drinks? or special boozy sauces to spike the meal? and how many different things can you mix with eggnog!!!?
Cool! This car was on the cover of Jimmy Bryant's classic country album "The Fastest Guitar in the Country".
I found and added this interesting link about italian cinema and reviewed in English. All about action, horror, comedy, giallo, western.... HERE
Thanks for the tips. I've never tried mead but I did one beer with almost 50% of the sugar from honey, and surprisingly it fermented really clean and the honey flavor was very subtle. I haven't tried wine yeast, I usually do White Labs 001 or 500 strains for high gravity brews. They have a strain, 099, that is supposed to go up to 25% abv. I pitched it in the primary, which was probably not how it was intended to be used, and it tasted terrible, actually was the worst beer I've ever had, which is saying a lot. I just found this podcast with several episode on brewing high gravity that has some good tips:
Ooooh, And another new one to my list. These guys make some delicious stuff, good luck getting your hands on some.
It's just what the doctor ordered! I'll drink yours, if you don't want it.
Zephyr said:
...I can't drink Guinness. ... That's not a beer that's medicine!
I wore Beatle Boots for many years in the Speedies & Fuzztones. They look really cool, but they really, I mean really fucked up my feet. I almost needed an operation. So be careful . I would not wear them every day.
The book is more better !more characters and action but it's seems to be difficult to adapt a book for the cinema!
"Romanzo Criminale" Giancarlo De Cataldo 2005
hell's angels on wheels with jack nicholson, soooooo boring i almost had a heart attack.
(i actually liked Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man though)
My guess is Xaphan just created this post to get a rise out of you guys, if that's the case, it worked!
had some capt M. w/ instant coffe yesterday!!!! yumm!!!!
Tim Doubledee said:
Favorite mixer? No real favorites, as I will experiment and use a variety of sodas and juices for variety's sake. Most often used is Sprite with Captain Morgan coconut flavored rum. I have some Captain Morgan Private Stock that gets nothing but Coke (or Coke Zero--us old guys have to start watching caloric intake!), as Coke is the most proper mixer for quality rum. Recently, I have had success with Bacardi and cranberry juice. Summertime is rumtime!
crusen for a Brusen!!!!......Fuck !!!!!! all Booze will Kick your Ass!!!!! but tekiLia is a mysterios monster!!!!..... kinda like the chupa cabra!!!!!l