I'm glad SOMEBODY agrees with me. kopper said:
OK, I remembered what the other one was that I couldn't sit through... Moulin Rouge (not the original, the 2001 remake with Ewan McGregor). Blech!
I'm glad SOMEBODY agrees with me. kopper said:
OK, I remembered what the other one was that I couldn't sit through... Moulin Rouge (not the original, the 2001 remake with Ewan McGregor). Blech!
We walked out of the opening credits of "Transporter 2", so awful, then we slipped into "Red Eye" and left that one early too.
Also Ultraviolet. A friend brought that gem to us, we were out of the room in 5 minutes or so, even with all the pretty faces.
We bought the latest Romero zombie movie, but haven't made it through it yet. It is.... not so good!
Went to see it fullscreen when it came out.
One of the greatest in is genre
It's funny and odd at the same time, just love it!!!!
We saw this as soon as it was out on DVD. Tried to watch it while eating, it didn't work out! But, it was great.
black and white all the way!
i seriously need to get off my ass and start shooting. will someone please come over to my apt and kick me in the ass?
Thanks for the compliments. I love these old Triumphs. Someday I'll build up the basket case 55 and 51 Thunderbirds I've got. $$ is super short these days, though. I've also got a pair of Honda CL400's, a 77 and a 74 to chop up for my wife. I've got lots of ideas and too little money right now. I know, the sad song is way too common these days. As you can see I too enjoy to ride them rather than shine them up all pretty. I really appreciate a machine that gets regular use, ridden as the maker intended. I also enjoy the reliability good workmanship and attention to detail offer. That's mostly on the inside, though. If you like rough and ridden machines, check out this show, which invited only period UNRESTORED early motorcycles. And I mean early: http://thevintagent.blogspot.com/2010/08/pebble-beach-2010-unrestored-machines.html
I tend to like my bikes a bit road tarred and oily, rather than a garage queen only out to make the scene. Usually if I find a moment to clean them up, that moment quickly turns into a ride around town or up the coast for a pint. 6T Sinner said:
No, a properly assembled Triumph does not leak oil. With that in mind, I realize that after 1500 miles on mine since I rebuilt it last winter it now spontaneously leaks oil, just not between the case halves! I seep out my front motor studs now.A simple re-torque of the studs and some refinishing of the stud washers hopefully will return me to spotless running. Cross your fingers for me!
power chord hack said:Cool Triumph!
Dig the nut scratcher on the tank.
Shouldn't there be an oil puddle under it, though :) ?
Not sure, Not mine, sorry if it seemed that way, these are just inspirations for me and what to do with my little xs400. _Stavros_ said:
Dude that's a bad ass bike, I love it!!It's a honda cb right?What model exactely?
Count Von Tuthrie said:But might end up looking a bit closer to this...
Man, I was about to ditch my old Honda 400 but after following this thread I'll work it over! Count Von Tuthrie said:
My '77 xs400. I got it about a year ago from a craigslist.com barter. Only cost me an old longboard i hadn't ridden for years. Its gone from complete stock to rat cafe to...
Nope. In fact my buddy's Yamaha XS 650 leaks more oil than my Triumph does. There's just too many British bikes out there that are worked on by those who don't know what they're doing. Me included sometimes! power chord hack said:
I thought Brit bike = oil on floor (and smoking Lucas electrical bits) :)
No fairing on it anymore... but still the bikes of mine!
The second one was bought with the seitwagen & planned to be rid of it, but now it's so much fun I cannot make myself take it off...
Heh. I thought Brit bike = oil on floor (and smoking Lucas electrical bits) :)
No, a properly assembled Triumph does not leak oil. With that in mind, I realize that after 1500 miles on mine since I rebuilt it last winter it now spontaneously leaks oil, just not between the case halves! I seep out my front motor studs now.A simple re-torque of the studs and some refinishing of the stud washers hopefully will return me to spotless running. Cross your fingers for me! power chord hack said:
Cool Triumph!
Dig the nut scratcher on the tank.
Shouldn't there be an oil puddle under it, though :) ?
Cool Triumph!
Dig the nut scratcher on the tank.
Shouldn't there be an oil puddle under it, though :) ?
Any BMW riders here... got me two R60 from '68.
I see the mistake I made...I should have said "and convince King Kahn that he wouldn't be selling out if you asked him to do a Budweiser ad". Sorry about that. I write like a moron sometimes. kopper said:
Did King Khan do a Budweiser ad? Are you serious?
Rockin Rod Strychnine said:I drink Pabst when I'm out because it's a dollar 50 cheaper. But since I've had to cut back and keep it to 2 or 3 beers at a show, I've switched back to Bud because it does taste better than Pabst. Except for Henry's and Labattes, I can't stand other beers. There's always an off taste to them. Miller and Rolling Rock in general. Like they add salt or something. Bud has a nice clean taste.
YOu need more rock and roll and guys like Peacock in the ads. Emphasize the nice clean flavor and make it look sexy, like a chick wants to kiss a guy who drinks a nice clean beer with no after taste. And convince King Kahn that he's not selling out just because he's doing a Budweiser ad. ; )
No. I meant the company should ask King Kahn to do an ad to hippen its image. Maybe then (hopefully) the 21-28 year olds wouldn't think of it as a beer their dad drank. kopper said:
Did King Khan do a Budweiser ad? Are you serious?
Rockin Rod Strychnine said:I drink Pabst when I'm out because it's a dollar 50 cheaper. But since I've had to cut back and keep it to 2 or 3 beers at a show, I've switched back to Bud because it does taste better than Pabst. Except for Henry's and Labattes, I can't stand other beers. There's always an off taste to them. Miller and Rolling Rock in general. Like they add salt or something. Bud has a nice clean taste.
YOu need more rock and roll and guys like Peacock in the ads. Emphasize the nice clean flavor and make it look sexy, like a chick wants to kiss a guy who drinks a nice clean beer with no after taste. And convince King Kahn that he's not selling out just because he's doing a Budweiser ad. ; )
I agree! And I totally think this would be the retro-look can to do it, too:
I think you are right. If you could cut the price in bars and maybe "retro-up" the packaging, "BUD CLASSIC" kind of thing, skinny jeans wearing dipshits would all be swilling it.
theeGrayson said:I may be getting out of the demographic at 39 but for me Budweiser is the drink of your dad if he is a redneck mechanic. The reason the kids are drinking PBR and High Life is because you can get it for a dollar at the local hipster hang out. If I'm going to pay more I am going to buy a local craft beer with flavor.
Did King Khan do a Budweiser ad? Are you serious? Rockin Rod Strychnine said:
I drink Pabst when I'm out because it's a dollar 50 cheaper. But since I've had to cut back and keep it to 2 or 3 beers at a show, I've switched back to Bud because it does taste better than Pabst. Except for Henry's and Labattes, I can't stand other beers. There's always an off taste to them. Miller and Rolling Rock in general. Like they add salt or something. Bud has a nice clean taste.
YOu need more rock and roll and guys like Peacock in the ads. Emphasize the nice clean flavor and make it look sexy, like a chick wants to kiss a guy who drinks a nice clean beer with no after taste. And convince King Kahn that he's not selling out just because he's doing a Budweiser ad. ; )
Great, now this stupid hobby of mine is melding itself into other interests! Thanks to you, Garagepunk.com, now my problems are absorbing other aspects of my life, like music!!! I'm stuck on the Surfcast, which now I guess is morphed into the newer surf trash podcast. I ride a 1966 Triumph 6T "Saint" Thunderbird strutted and early 60's period customized. I also throw a monthly vintage chopper and show and go custom ride-in here in my hometown of Grass Valley, California. Ride my Triumph everywhere and love all things old cycle. I've even got a little group of likeminded weirdos called the Throwbacks, which you can see here: http://throwbacksmc.blogspot.com/ Other favorites include: http://dicemagazine.blogspot.com/ http://4qconditioning.blogspot.com/?zx=866ed3065385aa1f And the grandaddy of all custom Vintage Triumph blogs: http://showandgo.blogspot.com/ This one is not to be missed, though much more gentlemanly in content: http://thevintagent.blogspot.com/ My issue is that I've got Zune and while the old surfcast was available on the Zune marketplace the new one is not. I'd like to take my music with me in the cage, but can't seem to figure out how to download it to my player. Help? If you needed tips on how to tune your vintage Triumph twin I can exchange info with you. Guidance?
Yeah in addition to a time machine you would need an teleporter to take you to all the good hotspots. It really is a tough choice. How about the future! I want to see the cool bands of tomorrow. But yeah I would also want to hit the sixties and seventies, but I would need a teleporter or lots of money to travel.