Hey Mike thanks for your last post (I am sure we're all glad you did it) That's an assume story of "The Beast", surely the ultimate Garage Ride.
Hey Mike thanks for your last post (I am sure we're all glad you did it) That's an assume story of "The Beast", surely the ultimate Garage Ride.
Sorry to suck all the air out of the room, but one more post from me.
Cheers for the heads up on the Escapades photo (I knew I'd have got that one wrong)I assume that's a Mummies ambulance pic you have there (I'm having probs viewing some of these pics for some reason).
So far it looks like the hearse/ambulance is the thing for a real garage band, so I'm sticking with the '59 Coupe De Ville hearse as above.
Anyone else got any great ideas?
I'll take one in each color ! Oh, and that's a '58 Pontiac hearse or perhaps ambulance in that Escapades photo. Does anyone know what became of the Mummie's ambulance? Last time I saw it, John from Sympathy For The Record Industry owned it, but that was many years ago.
Best Garage ride? Well I'll take a test drive please!
Not sure but that pic looks like it's a Caddy or an Edsel hearse (maybe completly wrong with that one). Great choice. That's a real cool Garage Punk ride!
Yea, a new car would be more appropriate if mom was dropping you off at the local high school dance gig. 8 - 10 year old car could be had for a song. Something like Sam The Sham & the Pharoahs Pontiac (I think) hearse. Actually check out this ride from the Escapades post on the Garage Hangover site.
The vox mobile. And a pic I haven't seen before! This is probably the ultimate for bands who want to drive up and play and I can't argue about the phantom design, it's a mean car, but wait it's got my uncle sitting on it and it's vox, so will prabably break down before you get to the gig - that's not cool! ;-)
For some reason I cant see REALLY good pic -shame 'cause I rekon it's a goody! Great T Bird but no room for the band gear, the Caddy's cool but not mean enough and I can't see Robin putting up with having a Fender amp on his lap for very long! :-) ha ha. Good pics though.
I'm looking for the ultimate garage ride, something that's old, mean as hell but big enough for a band. What ya got folks?
That is true. Most garage bands in '66 would be driving a dodge van to the battle of the bands..... and maybe dreaming about this....
Well...1959 is not very Garage. You need to think 1966, like this Caddy...
I have. He had some pretty funny remarks about Frank Zappa and the way he treated his kids. The funny thing about "The Andy Warhol Diaries" is that he breaks out of his numb shell and shows an angry and bitchy side to his personality.
<<I think the scratchy film look and (purposeful) bad edits and all worked much better when you saw the 2 films in the theater in the "Grindhouse" version with all the fake trailers and junk.>>
I agree. I thought the fake trailers were hillariious. And I love the tacky music from the old drive-in days. If that music wasn't authentic, they did a good job of faking it.
I also preferred Death Proof, and agree that the double-feature concept was to the benefit of both parts. I liked seeing some of my favorite Austin haunts in Death Proof, such as the Texas Chili Parlor.
Riot on Sunset Strip
Not music related, but still psychedelic:
Point Blank
Masque of the Red Death (Cinematography by Nicolas Roeg), directed by Roger Corman
Fantastic Voyage (check out those trippy red corpuscles)
I'm with ya there. I just joined yesterday, hearing how it was great for networking for jobs, etc. as I am trying to get more freelance photography and design work. I'm already thinking of canceling, as every knucklehead from highschool has found me on already!
On top of that, I don't see much promise in all the claims that it's great for networking, as I may be missing something, but I couldn't even post html of my portfolio. I even tried to post in the "services offered" classifieds, and I got a message saying you can't promote your business, or services on there!
Seems like yet another circle jerk of popularity.
Hear, hear.
You said it! It's fun watching ex-girlfriends still single and miserable, ex-band mate jerks still trying to make it and nobody caring. mySpace has its entertainment value, to be sure.
I read some article that examined how facebook was laid out the way an autistic person organizes their thoughts.
I have neither facebook or myspace, but at one point I had both. My facebook lasted me about a week before I canceled it, but I stayed with myspace for a while longer. Facebook was WAY to formal for what it was and prevented me from really doing the only thing social networking sites are good for: looking at pictures of my ex-girlfriend and trying to find some visual indication that she is miserable.
its basically a place where all of your high school and college peers can look at you.
its a strange place. i have one, but i dont really do anything on it. waste of time!
Wow, great shot! The contrast really ads to the composition!
What kind of film do you use? For black and white, I love Ilford, as it seems to give great contrast. For live color shots, I like Fujicolor Pro 800. It's got some impressive color qualities to it. Unfortuantely, it's kinda pricey. That's why I went to digital. Also, there is only one darkroom in town that you can work in anymore (and that's because I went to school there).
I shoot with Canons, grew up with my dad always shooting with Canons and it rubbed off on me. I heard Nikons are awesome though. They have some killer digital SLRs out that seem to have great features at a good price.
cheers! nice work. oddly enough i am posting after 1 in the morning as well. finally! i have some time to myself! me? nikons. 20 & 24mm lens mostly. analog always. though i don't have a "website", i made this photobucket album to help promote a recent opening with a fellow artist (illustrator). here's a sample. just in case ur too lazy to click a link (like me):
Just lookin' to promote and share ideas with others. I shoot with a digital SLR, 35mm, and a fisheye lens. Will work cheap, but need decent bands. Will travel for reasonable rates. Did I mention I'm cheap? Did I mention it's 1:34am and my method of advertising is to hock my shit on here? Did I mention I can shoot the shit about old photography and record design until you pass out and piss yourself? Well, now I just did. I forgot to mention I've been shooting band photography forever, and have an actual BFA (still not paid for completely). Hire me, shoot me suggestions. Don't be shy. Check out my portfolio:
A Full PDF version of my portfolio can be viewed here: Me, Me, Me! Look at What I Can Do!