I'm on Good Reads, which is a book reviewing site. Voila: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/764075 Not the same as Library Thing, but still a cool site.
I'm on Good Reads, which is a book reviewing site. Voila: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/764075 Not the same as Library Thing, but still a cool site.
I recently discovered a great website called LibraryThing http://librarything.com I've been telling all my friends about it ever since. Unfortunately the majority of them do not share the same enthusiasm about reading as I do. Fortunately it's easy to meet people on the internet who do though. Basically the website allows you to enter your entire book collection. There are a lot of options available, such as tagging, reviewing, etc. Once you've entered your collection you can do many different things. The site will show you fellow members who share the same books as you. There are numerous groups. The size is amazing to say the least, and you really have to browse through it to appreciate it. If you love to read then I would be amazed if you don't take a liking to this site. If any of you decide to join up, feel free to add me as a friend. My page on there is: http://www.librarything.com/profile/Zer0_II
max wedge said:
Damn, does the rear axle go through the backseat?I must be fukin retarded!! Is this coffin to old?
I must be fukin retarded!! Is this coffin to old?
I cant say Bacarooda
Here's mine:
('65 Plymouth Barracuda)
wow that's a big car!
this is the last work that i did for an exam. unfortunatly the colours of the picture are really bright throught the computer screen but is ok. the imagine in the paper was better. this is a self portrait shoot for a digital project called "jack the ripper".
Does anyone have the book "Riot on The Sunset Strip" by Domenic Priore? The photographs in the book look pretty amazing. How's the text? Is it informative of the old Los Angeles garage scene?
I try to avoid adult swim... usually.
Can't get into it...
...but it's cool to hear Unknown Hinson do a cartoon voice...
...and I loves me some "party liquor"...
Uggh! Another great No-Bullshit comedian has left the building; http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/24/arts/24carlin.html?ex=1229832000&en=1f672e3af00a503d&ei=5087&excamp=GGGNcarlin&WT.srch=1&WT.mc_ev=click&WT.mc_id=GN-S-E-GG-NA-S-carlin http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-george-carlin-062308,0,2760767.story This is for you George; "Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker & Tits!"
No one likes Ah-nohld (even as the guv'nah of California) He was supposed to do that (loathsome Tim Burton) remake of "Planet of the Apes" but fortunately for the world that fell though (even though they still made it with equally as loathsome Mark Wahlberg) Sometimes Hollyweird just needs to know when to leave well enough alone. Heston did a semi-reasonable version in the 70's with "The Omega Man".
Did you see they are remaking "The Andromeda Strain"! Why can't they think up something new? That is why I like (ultra) low budget cinema. The FX may be crap, but the ideas are fresh. Oh well!
Cat Woman of the Moon
What about "Attack of the brain eaters" (think that was a '50's one). Oh sod it just take any 1950's sc fi film. I did a media course way back when I was young and one of the terms focused on this very subject. It concluded to confirm that pretty much every one of them films was an adaptation of the fight against the communists. As you probably know they were all designed to help persuade the USA (and the now classed "western world") that communists were evil and the USA way is the best way! They didn't make it hard to see the comparism between the "aliens" and the good ol' US of A. Kind of an ironic message realy!
I’m about to start writing a dissertation on the influence of the red scare on 1950s Hollywood Sci-Fi cinema. I’ve got the obvious ones down (Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing from Another World, Destination Moon, etc…) but I was hoping you folks might know a few more obscure titles dealing with the fear of communism or containing general McCarthyist themes that I could check out.
It's all but impossble to pick a favorite on the merits of the tv show and python films, you couldn't possibly favour one on comic talent (Graham Chapman might just get my vote...)
On post-python output though, as good as they've all been (Idle maybe to a lesser extent) I've got to go for Terry Gilliam, to my mind one of the greatest working directors
B&W version by far. This was one of the first horror films I ever bought and I still enjoy watching it
You guys know alot more about Grindhouse than me but I agree with Kopper. Death Proof was a great film and the car chase at the end is up there with Bullet. Loved it and we're gonna buy it to watch again in the coming months.