Caroline don't say. I'll have to investigate . But, I see , you're just going, primarily, to support Prima Donna. Yeah ,that was about it , as hits were concerned. THAT AND "FRIEND OR FOE" , and , I think "Desperate , But Not Serious" was a minor hit. I think they thought they were going to make him a big star in the states , understandable , but , after the initial rush with that first solo LP , HE WAS DEADER THAN DISCO.
MikeL said:
My thing about Adam Ant is that I only know one song by him, "Goody Two Shoes," which was one of his few hits here in America. I remember the video, and I liked it mostly for Caroline Munro as the prim and proper reporter who becomes more uninhibited as the video goes on. I also remember Adam Ant playing a white slaver in an episode of "The Equalizer." Aside from that, I haven't given any thought to Adam Ant in years. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised at the concert, and if I don't like him, then I can just take off early and beat the rush out of that place.
John Battles said:MikeL , YES , WE are getting old......SOME OF US. i SAW aDAM aNT , ONCE , 30 or 31 YEARS AGO , WHENEVER HIS FIRST SOLO LP CAME OUT......It was at a time that there were damn few all - ages shows. Some of my younger friends I knew from High School (I was just starting College.) wanted to go (I was still underage , too.). I've never owned one of his records , but , his early , Punk -era stuff has it's moments. I liKED THE TWO ANTS LPS (BARRING "dIRK wEARS wHITE sOCKS" , WHICH WAS ONLY AVAILABLE AS AN IMPORT.), but , enough of my friends had 'em , I did'nt have to buy them. I heard he was terrible when he played here a couple of years ago , but , you should'nt let that prejudice you. He may have got himself together . Reportedly , he had issues with drink. What kind of person goes into a club in London , where only terrorists are allowed guns (Bad joke , sorry.), with a replica pistol in hand ? He seems like a troubled individual. I saw him on TV , PREPARINGTO PLAY A pUNK FEST , PUTTING TOGETHER AN ACTUAL PUNK BAND. It was'nt bad. In Britain , Adam Ant was not considered part of the underground. Adam was a Pop star. People thought he was Punk , like they thought Billy Idol was , in the states. But they both came out of Punk. I think Prima Donna and Cheap Trick would be a better match , too. Maybe Adam Ant wanted an opening ant that had nothing todo with what he does, and might light a fire under his ass. Bu t, who knows?
I swear I meant to say "Opening act" !!!!!!