THE DICKIES HAD QUITE A FEW VERY SHORT SONGS , SOME THAT SEEMED LIKE ALBUM FILLER (I MEAN THAT IN A POSITIVE WAY) LIKE "SHE LOVES ME , SHE LOVES ME NOT" , AND "I'm a Chollo" , which , evenwith the extended percussive break , could'nt be over 1:30. Of course , The Residents had a lot of less - challenging songs that clocked in at well under 2:00 , like "Easter Woman" , "(Here I Come ) Constantinople" (BTW , we used to drive the High Schoolers and our Manager crazy , playing that in the kitchen of The Pizza Gulag in MTV - occupied 1983.), and "Elvis and His Boss". Speaking of Elvis , his shortest hit must've been "One Broken Heart For Sale". The much - needed final verse exists , but , was omitted , for some reason , making the song about 1:30.
But , keeping it Punk , lest anyone should whine (AS THO' THERE'D BE ANY PUNK W/O ELVIS , GENE , Jerry Lee , etc. , first.) , there's .......
Davie Allan and The Arrows - Blues Theme (vocal) , The Loser's Burial (Both from teh second Wild Angels'Soundtrack album. Both WELL under 2:00.
Suburban Lawns - Janitor , Mom and Dad and God , Intellectual Rock , and, well ,probably half their first and only LP , which still holds up today. OK , maybe it's more NOO WAVE than Punk.
Cichlids - Longtime bargain bin liners , who still warrant your attention. Their one LP is a pretty sturdy mix of Punk , NOO WAVE , and Garage , Bubblegum , and even Rockabilly influences (This was 1980. Almost NONE of that stuff was hip , yet.) . Very short songs include - Missionary Man , Bubble Gum , (Looking for a Good) Jewish Girl , and covers of "14 0r Fight" (Max Frost and The Troopers.) and "Ups and Downs" (Raiders.) ......They had very good taste in covers for the day (They also did "Ubangi Stomp" and "Boots' before the whole world did it....). But , they were lacking in "Punk cred" , being based in Florida (Even though The New York Dolls played their last shows , there.). They reformed a few years ago , there used to be some great footage from the shows on their myspace. Dunno if it's on youtube , now.......
Johnny Lurg said:
Nirvana - Mexican Seafood
Dicks - Lifetime Problems
Operation Ivy - Jaded
The Monks - Drunken Maria
The (other) Monks - Nice Legs, Shame About Her Face
Secret Hate - The Ballad of Johnny Butt
Descendents - 'Merica
Dead Milkmen - Laundry Song, Gorilla Girl, Dean's Dream
The Dickies - Howdy Doody in the Woodshed
The Vandals - Anarchy Burger
The Reatards - Your So Lewd