Boy , am I the only person who liked that movie ? One of my friends liked it , but could'nt "Hang" with the knob shots , even tho' it had the opposie of meat and two veg , too . It's probably true of Brian's GF , but , how many of his ex - Girlfriends , Mothers to his kids or not , do you really hear from?
Mark George Harrison said:
Didn't Brians girlfriend at the time go in to hiding for years as well? I watched 5 minutes of stoned and turned it off, it looked truly awful!
John Battles said:"I was drowned , I was washed up and left for dead." . That's true , but it was'nt duly noted and authorized , notorized and stamped with a Grade A seal , so , the confession was deemed inadmissable. The movie "Stoned" was based on the book "Who Killed Christopher Robin" , based on the theory that Brian was murdered.
Mark George Harrison said:The rumour started because Jones was a strong swimmer, even if shitfaced, but took a bizarre twist when builder Frank Thorogood(?) gave a death bed confession that he drowned Brian because he was an obnoxious shit!
Kirk Teeters said:What about the persistent rumor that Brian Jones was "done away with"? No one ever seems to have come up with a particularly convincing explanation for "Who" or "Why" but every time it's mentioned in the media there's that bit about "rumors abound that he met with foul play."