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    • November 22, 2012 6:32 PM CST
      John Battles said:

      James....yeah , you told me about that. Sounds like "Duelin' Berrys". One guy who sounds like Chuck Berry and another who does'nt , but was CHRISTENED Charles Berry.

      To hear Ronnie Isley , live , on the "Makeout music " tip , who better than Bacharach for accompaniment?

      OHHHHHH.....You would have had to have been there , but , Doug , God rest his funky soul , had on one of those beat to shit straw cowboy hats , and one of those 80's New Wave (It was still The 80's , barely , but Doug looked better when he dressed like it was still The 60's.) turqoise faux bowling shirt with no sleeves , an 80'S New Wave piano keyboard skinny tie, with a pair on Lee Riders that looked like they were about 20 years old . Don't get me wrong , I know the clothes don't play , but even DOUG looked awkward , as if someone broke into his pad , stole his groovy threads , and left him to fend for himself at the thriftstore . 

      Disclaimer: With Levis taking on that apparent "Hip Hop" influence , now , Lee Riders DO fit on me , much better , personally , now. BUT , IF YOU REMEMBER WHAT THOSE THINGS LOOKED LIKE IN tHE 70'S.........

    • November 22, 2012 10:15 AM CST
    • The Red Aunts last show... I was underage.. it was really sad..


    • November 22, 2012 6:27 PM CST
    • Also The Nervebreakers' "Hijack The Radio" is a call to arms worthy of (The later - penned)  Ramones classic. Go to their profile , here , and see. I'm not 13 years old , and don't know how to post songs , here , sorry...... 

    • November 22, 2012 6:22 PM CST
    • Yeah , They're based out of New York.
      Chris Henniker said:

      That's a NY station, isn't it? I'll look that one up.

      Johnny Bean said:

      Funny to read this, if you need rock n roll radio just go to WFMU onlline,, the shows, Evan"Funk" Davies, Cherry Blossom Clinic and Music to Spazz By are the probably the greatest rock n roll radio shows ever and I grew up listening to Peel under my bedcovers, he was pretty shit in the last 10 years of his career though, the happy house and Carcass records started to get on my fucking nerves :)

    • November 22, 2012 4:02 PM CST
    • That's a NY station, isn't it? I'll look that one up.

      Johnny Bean said:

      Funny to read this, if you need rock n roll radio just go to WFMU onlline,, the shows, Evan"Funk" Davies, Cherry Blossom Clinic and Music to Spazz By are the probably the greatest rock n roll radio shows ever and I grew up listening to Peel under my bedcovers, he was pretty shit in the last 10 years of his career though, the happy house and Carcass records started to get on my fucking nerves :)

    • November 22, 2012 3:37 PM CST
    • Funny to read this, if you need rock n roll radio just go to WFMU onlline,, the shows, Evan"Funk" Davies, Cherry Blossom Clinic and Music to Spazz By are the probably the greatest rock n roll radio shows ever and I grew up listening to Peel under my bedcovers, he was pretty shit in the last 10 years of his career though, the happy house and Carcass records started to get on my fucking nerves :)

    • November 22, 2012 12:57 PM CST
    • I haven´t heard Radio that much in the past, first because i´ve been "on the road" (by bike) all the time and second because most of the radios (i could listen to) were shitty. 

      With few but excellent exceptions... just i need more time to recall.. (i´m getting old!) :D
      coming next...

      Good topic, by the way!

    • November 22, 2012 6:17 PM CST
    • Yes , it was a Cherry Ripe , wunnit?  Almost as good is the story about Angie Bowie catching David with Mick Jagger in a closet. Sometimes , the story goes that Bette Midler was in there with them. This was almost 30 years before that suck - out - loud "Trapped in The Closet" epic , too.

    • November 22, 2012 6:11 PM CST
    • Wait wait wait... do I have this right? No one has mentioned 'the drug bust', Mick Jagger, Marianne Faithful, and a certain confectionery?

      I mean, that has to be waaaaaaaaay up there on the top of the list...

      I consider this one to be garagepunk worthy!

    • November 22, 2012 6:03 PM CST
        If it happened , it would have been difficult for the press not to have a field day with it , and , by that I mean a few REAL newspapers , not The Sun , The Star or our own National Enquirer , Examiner , etc. Unless (Understandably) , Almond paid a lot of people off to be quiet.
      Nero said:

      I can back Mark George Harrison up on this one, I was going to say the same thing until I came across his post. When I started reading this thread I had to Google the Rod Stewart myth to find out what is was, only to find that it was the one I'd heard attributed to Marc Almond, roughly around the time of 'Tainted Love', or a bit later. 

      John Battles said:

      Mark George Harrison said:

      Strangely I'd never heard the Rod myth, here (UK) it was always credited to Marc Almond.

      John Battles said:

      YOU KNOW WHAT , YOU'RE RIGHT ! THERE IS A BOOK , THERE.....I heard it in Junior High at the same time. We were kids , not particularly progressive in our thinking , we wanted to believe certain things , but , in the back of my mind , I thought another kid at school made it up.  I did'nt hear the story again for YEARS , until my friend's band , Lava Sutra , made reference to it in a song. It WAS the equivalent of what "Going viral "is , today. Peter Bagge DID A HILARIOUS CARTOON , around that time ,  changing said Rock STAR'S NAME TO "Reginald".

      trashman said:

      Well we all know the Rod Stewart one.

      But what I find interesting is how it all evolved.  I remember hearing it back in 4th or 5th grade (1979 or 80); but I heard it from a kid in a lunch room.  And I thought it sort of started there. Then I met kids in other high schools and they knew it.  Then onto college and they knew it.  Then professional life living all over the U.S. and they knew it.  

      This rumor was spread before the days of the internet so remarkable the way it carried along an oral tradition (no pun intended) of storytelling.  Of course, we all got to an age we knew it was false but remarkable to the extent this dirty little rumor spread.  

      I recently heard Rod Stewart address while doing the media tour for his new book.  It was started by an ex-publicist he fired.  Remarkable.  

      The way this story spread via person to person in the late 70s/80s is worth a book in itself.

    • November 22, 2012 5:56 PM CST
    • i NEVER EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT IT LIKE THAT..... GG was also a Wayne County fan , and he did the same thing years before GG ever did. I was at , not the  first , but one of the first shows where"Made'' onstage , in Dallas , in 1985. What little I'd read about him did'nt include anything like THAT. I met him before the show , and he casually mentioned "Last week , I did this show , and I ate a stick of Ex- Lax before I went on , and , THEN...". HEY , AT LEAST , HE WAS GOOD ENOUGH TO WARN ME.
      Chris Henniker said:

      GG Allin was influenced by Alice Cooper, so I think he got the idea of having a shit on stage from that story.  

      melissa scott said:

      Oh YESSSS! Great classic r & r myth! Love IT!

      swt said:

      You mentioned the great Frank Zappa/Alice Cooper onstage gross-out contest in the late 60s or early 70s. Here's the version I was told back in the 60s/ early 70s

      Seems that Zappa had Alice come out on stage at some concert. But instead of playing a song together, they decided to have a gross-out contest. I don't recall the preliminary feats of disgust, but eventually Alice, in what he assumed would be the winning play, took a dump on the stage. But not to be outdone, Zappa got a spoon (most bands usually have silverware onstage during a gig, right?) and took a big steamin' bite. Frank won the contest.

      Back in high school, around the time this supposedly happened, I heard that story repeated several times by friends and school mates.

      But in the 1980s, when original Mothers drummer Jimmy Carl Black moved to New Mexico, I asked him about it. About halfway through my question, Jim took over and told the rest of the story. "SO it's actually TRUE?" I asked incredulously. "Fuck No!" he said.

      Later in his band of fellow Zappa vets called The Grandmothers, Jimmy and Don Preston recorded a song called "The Eternal Question" (originally titled "What Was Zappa Really Like?") -- which contains a refrain, "And did he really shit on the stage?"

    • November 22, 2012 5:48 PM CST



      ALL these myths have there roots in the notorious Alice Cooper Group performance at The Toronto Rock'n'Roll Revival. Everyone knows that story. Alice picked a chicken up , and threw it toward the audience , thinking that chickens could fly. Though he swore someone just set the chicken out on  the stage , and that it was actually the peace - loving audience members who took the bird apart with their bare hands , the next day , the press said "Alice Cooper Bites off Chicken's Head and Sucks the Blood !". Frank Zappa asked him if it really went down that way. He said , "No !". Zappa replied , "Well , don't tell anyone that. THIS kind of publicity , you can't buy !".

      swt said:

      You mentioned the great Frank Zappa/Alice Cooper onstage gross-out contest in the late 60s or early 70s. Here's the version I was told back in the 60s/ early 70s

      Seems that Zappa had Alice come out on stage at some concert. But instead of playing a song together, they decided to have a gross-out contest. I don't recall the preliminary feats of disgust, but eventually Alice, in what he assumed would be the winning play, took a dump on the stage. But not to be outdone, Zappa got a spoon (most bands usually have silverware onstage during a gig, right?) and took a big steamin' bite. Frank won the contest.

      Back in high school, around the time this supposedly happened, I heard that story repeated several times by friends and school mates.

      But in the 1980s, when original Mothers drummer Jimmy Carl Black moved to New Mexico, I asked him about it. About halfway through my question, Jim took over and told the rest of the story. "SO it's actually TRUE?" I asked incredulously. "Fuck No!" he said.

      Later in his band of fellow Zappa vets called The Grandmothers, Jimmy and Don Preston recorded a song called "The Eternal Question" (originally titled "What Was Zappa Really Like?") -- which contains a refrain, "And did he really shit on the stage?"

    • November 22, 2012 4:16 PM CST
    • GG Allin was influenced by Alice Cooper, so I think he got the idea of having a shit on stage from that story.  

      melissa scott said:

      Oh YESSSS! Great classic r & r myth! Love IT!

      swt said:

      You mentioned the great Frank Zappa/Alice Cooper onstage gross-out contest in the late 60s or early 70s. Here's the version I was told back in the 60s/ early 70s

      Seems that Zappa had Alice come out on stage at some concert. But instead of playing a song together, they decided to have a gross-out contest. I don't recall the preliminary feats of disgust, but eventually Alice, in what he assumed would be the winning play, took a dump on the stage. But not to be outdone, Zappa got a spoon (most bands usually have silverware onstage during a gig, right?) and took a big steamin' bite. Frank won the contest.

      Back in high school, around the time this supposedly happened, I heard that story repeated several times by friends and school mates.

      But in the 1980s, when original Mothers drummer Jimmy Carl Black moved to New Mexico, I asked him about it. About halfway through my question, Jim took over and told the rest of the story. "SO it's actually TRUE?" I asked incredulously. "Fuck No!" he said.

      Later in his band of fellow Zappa vets called The Grandmothers, Jimmy and Don Preston recorded a song called "The Eternal Question" (originally titled "What Was Zappa Really Like?") -- which contains a refrain, "And did he really shit on the stage?"

    • November 22, 2012 4:07 PM CST
    • Oh YESSSS! Great classic r & r myth! Love IT!

      swt said:

      You mentioned the great Frank Zappa/Alice Cooper onstage gross-out contest in the late 60s or early 70s. Here's the version I was told back in the 60s/ early 70s

      Seems that Zappa had Alice come out on stage at some concert. But instead of playing a song together, they decided to have a gross-out contest. I don't recall the preliminary feats of disgust, but eventually Alice, in what he assumed would be the winning play, took a dump on the stage. But not to be outdone, Zappa got a spoon (most bands usually have silverware onstage during a gig, right?) and took a big steamin' bite. Frank won the contest.

      Back in high school, around the time this supposedly happened, I heard that story repeated several times by friends and school mates.

      But in the 1980s, when original Mothers drummer Jimmy Carl Black moved to New Mexico, I asked him about it. About halfway through my question, Jim took over and told the rest of the story. "SO it's actually TRUE?" I asked incredulously. "Fuck No!" he said.

      Later in his band of fellow Zappa vets called The Grandmothers, Jimmy and Don Preston recorded a song called "The Eternal Question" (originally titled "What Was Zappa Really Like?") -- which contains a refrain, "And did he really shit on the stage?"

    • November 22, 2012 1:25 PM CST
    • You mentioned the great Frank Zappa/Alice Cooper onstage gross-out contest in the late 60s or early 70s. Here's the version I was told back in the 60s/ early 70s

      Seems that Zappa had Alice come out on stage at some concert. But instead of playing a song together, they decided to have a gross-out contest. I don't recall the preliminary feats of disgust, but eventually Alice, in what he assumed would be the winning play, took a dump on the stage. But not to be outdone, Zappa got a spoon (most bands usually have silverware onstage during a gig, right?) and took a big steamin' bite. Frank won the contest.

      Back in high school, around the time this supposedly happened, I heard that story repeated several times by friends and school mates.

      But in the 1980s, when original Mothers drummer Jimmy Carl Black moved to New Mexico, I asked him about it. About halfway through my question, Jim took over and told the rest of the story. "SO it's actually TRUE?" I asked incredulously. "Fuck No!" he said.

      Later in his band of fellow Zappa vets called The Grandmothers, Jimmy and Don Preston recorded a song called "The Eternal Question" (originally titled "What Was Zappa Really Like?") -- which contains a refrain, "And did he really shit on the stage?"

    • November 22, 2012 8:46 AM CST
    • I can back Mark George Harrison up on this one, I was going to say the same thing until I came across his post. When I started reading this thread I had to Google the Rod Stewart myth to find out what is was, only to find that it was the one I'd heard attributed to Marc Almond, roughly around the time of 'Tainted Love', or a bit later. 

      John Battles said:

      Mark George Harrison said:

      Strangely I'd never heard the Rod myth, here (UK) it was always credited to Marc Almond.

      John Battles said:

      YOU KNOW WHAT , YOU'RE RIGHT ! THERE IS A BOOK , THERE.....I heard it in Junior High at the same time. We were kids , not particularly progressive in our thinking , we wanted to believe certain things , but , in the back of my mind , I thought another kid at school made it up.  I did'nt hear the story again for YEARS , until my friend's band , Lava Sutra , made reference to it in a song. It WAS the equivalent of what "Going viral "is , today. Peter Bagge DID A HILARIOUS CARTOON , around that time ,  changing said Rock STAR'S NAME TO "Reginald".

      trashman said:

      Well we all know the Rod Stewart one.

      But what I find interesting is how it all evolved.  I remember hearing it back in 4th or 5th grade (1979 or 80); but I heard it from a kid in a lunch room.  And I thought it sort of started there. Then I met kids in other high schools and they knew it.  Then onto college and they knew it.  Then professional life living all over the U.S. and they knew it.  

      This rumor was spread before the days of the internet so remarkable the way it carried along an oral tradition (no pun intended) of storytelling.  Of course, we all got to an age we knew it was false but remarkable to the extent this dirty little rumor spread.  

      I recently heard Rod Stewart address while doing the media tour for his new book.  It was started by an ex-publicist he fired.  Remarkable.  

      The way this story spread via person to person in the late 70s/80s is worth a book in itself.

    • November 22, 2012 4:07 PM CST
    • Good thing I've got no self-control then....;-)

      Tersicore said:

      Hey Nero, you´re not suppose to resist from putting up a cool song like this! :)


      Nero said:

      Couldn't resist putting up this gloriously trashy Revillos tune, featuring, of course the two voices of Eugene Reynolds and Fay Fife. Dig that crazy guitar solo!

      Greg Hanson said:

      The Rezillos and Revillos are incredible. I'm pissed I missed them in their heyday. 

      Destination Venus is such a great track, to which I was introduced by Man or Astro-Man? who do a good cover as well. I think this live version is the best - the studio one is killer but there's an amazing atmosphere and energy to this one that is (only slightly) missing on the studio recording.

      Andy Climax said:

      If ye've got any push across there John. Could you get the Kennedys back together and in the spirit of bands touring albums from long ago which seems to be the 'thing' just now. Get them to tour Plastic Surgery Disaster. Me an Jello need to sit down and have a long chat about this, that, and the other. On the subject of bands touring. I'm off to Glasgow on Friday to see 'The Swans'. One of my alltime bands. Original lineup as well. Cannae wait. Saw them the 1st time in 89 and have seen them a few times since. I think the wife is doing her hair that night haha (she hates the Swans) Would love them to tour the Cop or Greed albums.... Preferably both. Enjoy the Rezillos. Hell! theres nodoubtin' you will.

    • November 22, 2012 2:24 PM CST
    • Hey Nero, you´re not suppose to resist from putting up a cool song like this! :)


      Nero said:

      Couldn't resist putting up this gloriously trashy Revillos tune, featuring, of course the two voices of Eugene Reynolds and Fay Fife. Dig that crazy guitar solo!

      Greg Hanson said:

      The Rezillos and Revillos are incredible. I'm pissed I missed them in their heyday. 

      Destination Venus is such a great track, to which I was introduced by Man or Astro-Man? who do a good cover as well. I think this live version is the best - the studio one is killer but there's an amazing atmosphere and energy to this one that is (only slightly) missing on the studio recording.

      Andy Climax said:

      If ye've got any push across there John. Could you get the Kennedys back together and in the spirit of bands touring albums from long ago which seems to be the 'thing' just now. Get them to tour Plastic Surgery Disaster. Me an Jello need to sit down and have a long chat about this, that, and the other. On the subject of bands touring. I'm off to Glasgow on Friday to see 'The Swans'. One of my alltime bands. Original lineup as well. Cannae wait. Saw them the 1st time in 89 and have seen them a few times since. I think the wife is doing her hair that night haha (she hates the Swans) Would love them to tour the Cop or Greed albums.... Preferably both. Enjoy the Rezillos. Hell! theres nodoubtin' you will.

    • November 22, 2012 12:55 PM CST
    • Couldn't resist putting up this gloriously trashy Revillos tune, featuring, of course the two voices of Eugene Reynolds and Fay Fife. Dig that crazy guitar solo!

      Greg Hanson said:

      The Rezillos and Revillos are incredible. I'm pissed I missed them in their heyday. 

      Destination Venus is such a great track, to which I was introduced by Man or Astro-Man? who do a good cover as well. I think this live version is the best - the studio one is killer but there's an amazing atmosphere and energy to this one that is (only slightly) missing on the studio recording.

      Andy Climax said:

      If ye've got any push across there John. Could you get the Kennedys back together and in the spirit of bands touring albums from long ago which seems to be the 'thing' just now. Get them to tour Plastic Surgery Disaster. Me an Jello need to sit down and have a long chat about this, that, and the other. On the subject of bands touring. I'm off to Glasgow on Friday to see 'The Swans'. One of my alltime bands. Original lineup as well. Cannae wait. Saw them the 1st time in 89 and have seen them a few times since. I think the wife is doing her hair that night haha (she hates the Swans) Would love them to tour the Cop or Greed albums.... Preferably both. Enjoy the Rezillos. Hell! theres nodoubtin' you will.

    • November 22, 2012 12:44 PM CST
    • The Rezillos and Revillos are incredible. I'm pissed I missed them in their heyday. 

      Destination Venus is such a great track, to which I was introduced by Man or Astro-Man? who do a good cover as well. I think this live version is the best - the studio one is killer but there's an amazing atmosphere and energy to this one that is (only slightly) missing on the studio recording.

      Andy Climax said:

      If ye've got any push across there John. Could you get the Kennedys back together and in the spirit of bands touring albums from long ago which seems to be the 'thing' just now. Get them to tour Plastic Surgery Disaster. Me an Jello need to sit down and have a long chat about this, that, and the other. On the subject of bands touring. I'm off to Glasgow on Friday to see 'The Swans'. One of my alltime bands. Original lineup as well. Cannae wait. Saw them the 1st time in 89 and have seen them a few times since. I think the wife is doing her hair that night haha (she hates the Swans) Would love them to tour the Cop or Greed albums.... Preferably both. Enjoy the Rezillos. Hell! theres nodoubtin' you will.

    • November 22, 2012 12:36 PM CST
    • HA HA HA
      did they get drunk at BBC-recording? They are misplaying, aren´t they? :D

      Tersicore said:

      I can´t skip two of my youth´s Heroes, even if too treacly in here...


    • November 22, 2012 12:12 PM CST
    • I can´t skip two of my youth´s Heroes, even if too treacly in here...

      To John, 
      we went brazenly Off Topic, what about to become friends and use another channel? 

      ps: Sure, i know Johnny Cash´s Bio and so June´s as well!

    • November 22, 2012 2:11 AM CST
    • Oh yeah, Wes is the thing! Coming to think of it:

      I can only imagine that he would have been eaten up by the new "performance art show" crowd of nowadays, for his, uhm, all natural looking "act." Only to headbutt them  for a hello, haha!

      Chris Henniker said:

      Anyone like Wesley Willis? A true outsider musician if there ever was one, who was so bad, he was great.

    • November 22, 2012 2:08 AM CST
    • Yeah , Zak Starkey , that's his real name , is Ringo's Son ,and he's been playing Drums with The Who for years. He's so close to Moon's style , it IS pretty scary. Of course , Moon and Starr were close friends ( THE MOON AND THE STARRS, LA LA)....YEAH , "El Ultimo Beso" ("Last Kiss") was a hit , I think , in Mexico , for Los Johnny Jets. I met their Drummer's Son ,last year. His name is'nt Zak.