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    • October 14, 2012 6:27 PM CDT
    • OK, liking the hypnotic eye, although a bit tamer than I'd like. I'm gonna go check them out soon, they look like they are playing a fair bit.  Wasn't so keen on the Wicked Whispers, or Higher State, but Snakeman 3 sound pretty fun, found a live video on Youtube, and might have to go searching for them.... have emailed them to see when they are touring next.

      If anyone is in my postion, have also found a band that look very cool: The Dustaphonics.  Sadly, I just missed them playing on Friday - plus am out of the country on the 25th, so may have to wait until after decemeber... still, it's a start.

      Anyone know anything else, perhaps something a little more garage punk

    • October 14, 2012 4:02 PM CDT
    • Lovely,

      Bit late to check it now, but will do soon. Thanks for the response :)

    • October 14, 2012 3:25 PM CDT
    • Hey Tyler, check out the Hypnotic Eye, their single Marianne is on youtube, great stuff, the Wicked Whispers are a bit more jangly but have a new single out as well. Check out Mole on here, he's in the Higher State but put's out other stuff as well, Mole was also in the Mystreated and the Embrooks. Snakeman 3 are another good band, better live than the album but should have a new single out soon. 

      Hope this gives you something to start with?

    • October 14, 2012 9:54 AM CDT
    • Hi All,

      Am tired of listening to awesome American garage that I can't afford to go and see (or more likely, has already stopped touring).

      Saw King Khan and the Shrines the other day up in London, and had TOOO much fun, psych-soul-garage that just made me dance like happyfuntimes. However, anything garagey, either on the punkier side (oblivian stylie) or the more chilled side, would be welcome. 

      Oh, and btw, this is my first post, just joined the community - names Tyler, 26 from Sunbury.

      Nice to meet y'all ,


    • October 14, 2012 4:18 PM CDT
    • It's O.K. but let's not kid ourselves that it's any kind of classic.

    • October 14, 2012 4:12 PM CDT
    • like it..

    • October 14, 2012 3:34 PM CDT
    • Best thing they've done for years, Jagger sounds less like a caricature of himself than he has done for a long time. Had to turn the Scorcese film of them off as it was like watching a really bad Jagger impersonator(vocally rather than visually), but on this he sounds more jumpin' jack flash again.

    • October 14, 2012 12:53 PM CDT
    • I´ve heard the song the first time now, is not bad...

      why should they stop music? (or even die!?!), guess is what they can do best, anyway!      As long they have people buying records and going to concerts, why not? :)

    • October 14, 2012 11:34 AM CDT
    • It's just an OK track. I thought it was to promote their newest "Greatest Hits"-compilation.

    • October 13, 2012 3:37 PM CDT
    • Seriously, this song ain't bad.

    • October 13, 2012 3:36 PM CDT
    • <---well, some of them are dead.

    • October 13, 2012 3:30 PM CDT
    • I developed a more forgiving attitude toward The Stones in 2001 , when I saw Chuck Berry for the first time , in St. Louis , at The Pageant. Kopper was probably there. Chuck KILLED . I figured , well , maybe I should give The Stones another go. I had'nt seen them since 1981 , but I'd tried to get into one of their smaller shows in the 90's. TheIR LAST ALBUM "a Bigger Bang" was their best LP/CD since "Some Girls" , if you ask me. MANY people would agree. But , I have'nt had time to listen to this song.  I WILL. i HAVE NO BEEF WITH tHE sTONES STAYING TOGETHER. What else would they do? It's a business , yeah , but the music has improved a great deal in the last 10 , 20 years.  

    • October 14, 2012 2:32 PM CDT
    • Lou Reed & David Bowie 'Transformer' (RCA, 1972)

      Erik Johannes Matze said:

      Lou Reed & David Bowie 'Transformer'

    • October 14, 2012 2:20 PM CDT
    • Lou Reed & David Bowie 'Transformer'

    • October 14, 2012 11:14 AM CDT
    • Which are your favorite duet songs? 

      Post the best, the sexiest, the craziest or maybe just the most interesting to you.


      My fave:   (love the video!)

      The Hillbilly Moon Explosion (ft. Sparky -D.a.G.)

      Sparky has sooooooo sexy a voice here, wow!

      A classical I love as well:

      Johnny Cash & june Carter - Jackson

    • October 14, 2012 10:30 AM CDT
    • Thanks for this, gonna check out some of the bands you mentioned.  Jealous that you got to see the Oblivians... not fair.

    • October 14, 2012 5:15 AM CDT
    • A friend of ours has one, but she never really got on with it (Epiphone version); she's replaced it with a Fender Mustang bass.


      The Revox said:

      Thanks guys for your answers. I heard it s a easy bass to play (it's shortscale) and it s one of the reasons of my interest. The Casady looks great but I'm really a shortscale guy (when speaking about bass :-) )...

    • October 14, 2012 3:31 AM CDT
    • Thanks guys for your answers. I heard it s a easy bass to play (it's shortscale) and it s one of the reasons of my interest. The Casady looks great but I'm really a shortscale guy (when speaking about bass :-) )...

    • October 14, 2012 3:14 AM CDT
    • In the end I grabbed a hollow epiphone jack Cassidy - now that's a bass

    • October 14, 2012 3:12 AM CDT
    • Forget it they're a real pile of crap. There was one kicking around in our practice studio - supposedly really nice as it was from the seventies. Pile of shit. Can't hear it- it's got no balls. Waste of time and money. Great guitars I agree but forget the bass.

    • October 13, 2012 11:43 PM CDT
    • get a real bass and don't buy a guitar that has burst 2 strings... SG's are classic but they look and play durt as a bass. likewise don't buy a flying V bass. they looked cooler with 6 strings. what you want is a Gibson EB2 bass.

      EDIT: or a rickenbacker...

    • October 13, 2012 11:28 PM CDT
    •  Seriously , when I was about 5 , and "Abbey Road" came out , I thought the first word to "Come Together" was "SHIT". 
      Chris Macleod said:

      misheard?!?....     now THAT'S missung!

    • October 13, 2012 3:37 PM CDT
    • Deja Voodoo is great, it got to listen to a few tracks from House Of Knives in a Myspace page,  sounds very good! I like the Gun Club too and I listened to Blowstops and sounds good too. Thank you both. I found this other band that sounds similar to the bands mentiones before, 'The Purple Things' you guys should check them out in youtube.