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    • June 6, 2012 9:45 AM CDT
    • Oh! You're Brians friend right? I play guitar in his band. We had drinks at the laundromat that night!

    • June 6, 2012 9:39 AM CDT
    • Oh you are SO right about that Giuda LP, total 70's glam throwback done really well. Was available on Deadbeat and worth picking up for all the people in this discussion.

      Tyler, do you know or are you associated with Varsity Weirdos and Fear of Lipstick? Tom from Moncton whose label I'm spacing on sent me those, good stuff. I  even hung out at the Laundromat!

    • June 6, 2012 9:33 AM CDT
    • Not sure if it was mentioned, but that Giuda-Racey Roller album from last year RULES. Members of Taxi (a band that gets far too much hate than they deserve)

    • June 6, 2012 6:51 AM CDT
    • Weren't they connected to Electric Frankenstein?

      RJFait said:

      Phoenix, AZ band Crash Street Kids are about as good as glam revival gets.

    • June 6, 2012 5:56 AM CDT
    • Glam Rocks! Can't forget Sweet. Even the New York Dolls were considered glam.

    • June 6, 2012 5:41 AM CDT

    • They kind of make me think of Faster Pussycat. More 80's revival than 70's glam.

      RJFait said:

      Phoenix, AZ band Crash Street Kids are about as good as glam revival gets.

    • June 6, 2012 4:18 AM CDT
    • Bowie, Bowie, Bowie !

    • June 6, 2012 4:03 AM CDT
    • Phoenix, AZ band Crash Street Kids are about as good as glam revival gets.

    • June 6, 2012 9:30 AM CDT
    • I know- Shepherds Heard



    • June 6, 2012 9:11 AM CDT
    • Perfect. Thanks for this one.

      DammitDave said:

      Nitroglycerine Lyrics

      The Gories

      She fights like a cornered animal.
      And she shows all her claws.
      Says all the wrong things to hurt me.
      She just knows them all.
      One second and she's so shy.
      Then she just blows up.
      It's like dropping a stick of dynamite,
      In a Dixie cup.

      She's volatile.
      She's my baby.

      She'll tantalize me.
      Till I got to explode.
      When I'm up there with her.
      You just go go go.
      Then she starts to bite me.
      Man I just don't know.
      She starts taking chunks of flesh.
      Like a dog on a bone.

      She's volatile.
      She's my baby.

      I just don't know.
      What'll happen next.
      Will she want to fight with me, or
      Will she just want sex?
      I say girl you get us killed.
      She just laughs and says,
      Baby, if I die with you,
      It'll be the answer to all my prayers.

      She's volatile.
      She's my baby.

    • June 5, 2012 8:11 PM CDT
    • Trouble - The kINGSMEN

      T-r-o-u-b-l-e , Meanest Girl In Town - Elvis Presley

      Evil Woman , Queen of Sorrows - The Troggs

      Dave "Diddle" Day , The Cramps - Blue Moon Baby

      Wayne Kramer- Negative Girls

      Pearl Harbour - (That Girl is Nothing But...) Trouble

      ANISTEEN ALLEN , Wanda Jackson - Fujiyama Mama

      The Monkees - She

      Dean Carter - Rebel Woman

      Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made For Walkin' , Lightning's Girl (OK , she makes her guy do all the shit work.)

      Chocolate Watchband - She Weaves a Tender Trap

    • June 5, 2012 7:54 PM CDT
    • Yeah , Frankie Laine did it first . There were a lot of great versions , likE Gene Vincent , Everly Bros. , etc. , and VERY recently , Tom Jones. 

      DammitDave said:

      Here's another one.  I think it was originally done by Frankie Lane but everyone else on earth has done a version, too.



      If ever the devil was born,
      Without a pair of horns
      It was you,
      Jezebel, it was you.

      If ever an angel fell,
      It was you.
      Jezebel, it was you.

      If ever a pair of eyes,
      Promised paradise.
      Deceiving me, grieving me,
      Leavin' me blue.
      Jezebel, it was you.

      If ever the devil's plan,
      Was made to torment man,
      It was you,
      Jezebel, it was you.

      'Twould be better I had I never known,
      A lover such as you.
      Forsaking dreams and all,
      For the siren call of your arms.

      Like a demon, love possessed me,
      You obsessed me constantly.
      What evil star is mine,
      That my fate's design,
      Should be Jezebel?

      If ever a pair of eyes,
      Promised paradise.
      Deceiving me, grieving me,
      Leavin' me blue.
      Jezebel, it was you.

      If ever the devil's plan,
      Was made to torment man,
      It was you,
      Night an' day, every way.
      Oh, Jezebel, Jezebel, Jezebel.

    • June 6, 2012 9:22 AM CDT
    • I can listen to (and enjoy) EVERY Ramones album, but the worst for me by FAR is Brain Drain. I think Adios Amigos is great. I really don't get why so many Ramones fans hate that one. Lot of outside help in songwriting, but at least everyone played on it. Dee Dee never played bass on Brain Drain besides one song (daniel rey and Andy shernoff did) or Halfway to Sanity (daniel rey) Lease Favourite to Favourite, mine are (not counting acid eaters):

      -Brain Drain

      -Animal Boy

      -Mondo Bizarro

      -Half To Sanity

      -End of the Century

      -Too Tough to Die

      -Adios Amigos

      -Subterranean Jungle

      -Pleasant Dreams

      -Road To Ruin


      -Rocket To Russia

      -Leave Home


    • June 6, 2012 7:27 AM CDT
    • Their cover of the 1910 Fruitgum Company bubblegum classic " Indian Giver " always makes me grin like a 5 year old on Christmas morning. One of those tracks that makes my heart swell with pure joy.

      John Battles said:

       I don't know why they did'nt do a Kasenetz/Katz number . Maybe they were tired of being viewed as "Bubblegum". The songs that we think are obvious , a lot of average Joe's would'nt have. I really liked hearing them do "Can't Seem ToMake You Mine" and "Out of Time". Word is , they considered doing "Get Me To tHE wORLD oN Time", but could'nt agree on an arrangement.  The funny thing , when Rush recorded their 60's covers album , they did a lot of the same songs . It would'nt have sound bad ,were it not for ol' helium voice.
      Rev. Norb said:

      "Acid Eaters" wasn't terrible, but it seemed to me like -- if the Ramones were going to do an entire album of 60's covers, they didn't really choose a ton of songs i'd have great interest in hearing them play. I mean, they couldn't toss us a bone with "Yummy Yummy Yummy" or something? It's just like...geez, i wish they would've taken requests or something.

    • June 5, 2012 11:56 PM CDT
    • Boris The Sprinkler's first-ever show was with Dee Dee Ramone and the Chinese Dragons. They were godawful.

    • June 5, 2012 7:50 PM CDT
    •  I don't know why they did'nt do a Kasenetz/Katz number . Maybe they were tired of being viewed as "Bubblegum". The songs that we think are obvious , a lot of average Joe's would'nt have. I really liked hearing them do "Can't Seem ToMake You Mine" and "Out of Time". Word is , they considered doing "Get Me To tHE wORLD oN Time", but could'nt agree on an arrangement.  The funny thing , when Rush recorded their 60's covers album , they did a lot of the same songs . It would'nt have sound bad ,were it not for ol' helium voice.
      Rev. Norb said:

      "Acid Eaters" wasn't terrible, but it seemed to me like -- if the Ramones were going to do an entire album of 60's covers, they didn't really choose a ton of songs i'd have great interest in hearing them play. I mean, they couldn't toss us a bone with "Yummy Yummy Yummy" or something? It's just like...geez, i wish they would've taken requests or something.

    • June 5, 2012 7:28 PM CDT
    • I think "Pleasant dreams " is underrated , too , but , it took me several years to arrive at that conclusion. I was'nt crazy about "Don't Go" (With Ron and Russell Mael as The Beach Boys.) , but , I never hated it."She's a Sensation" is all right , too ."We Want The Airwaves" had a completely different Guitar sound than what you'd associate with The Ramones. It's like "Hijack The Radio" by The Nervebreakers , which I think is the better song of the two.

      As I said , earlier , "Subterranean Jungle" was one of my fave later albums. "Outsider" should be one everybody knows ,but , does'nt. I liked "What'd Ya Do" ,too. Great guest Guitar from Waldo , The Werewolf of Wall Street , and on The Boyfriends' "I NEED YOUR lOVE" , GREAT DOUBLE TRACKED LEADS. I even liked their version of "Little Bit O'Soul", too. Dee Dee's vocal debut , "Time Bomb" rocks like fuck, and the "Youth in Revolt" lyrics are unintentionally hilarious.  A very fun album. BTW - Did they ever correct the mistake in the liner notes? They had a lot of people thinking Joey had shortened his professional name to JOE.

        Too Tough To Die - WELL , WHAT YOU SAID . THE BEST SINCE "THE BIG THREE". I even like the Pop numbers. iT DID MY HEART GOOD TO HEAR "Howlin' At The Moon" ON THE RADIO....once.

      Animal Boy - "LOVE KILLS" WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE THEME SONG TO "sID AND nANCY". I thought it should have been , but , now , it's just as well.  "Freak of Nature" and "Crummy Stuff" were among my favorites , but , I thought "Something To Believe In" was the hit that should have band. Ron Ross , a good friend of the band's , and a friend of mine too , in my Dullass, Texas daze , said the same. It's my favorite later "Pop" song , but , it's not for everybody.

      I think "Halfway To Sanity" was much more solid than it's predecessor. I especially like ''Bop Til You Drop", "Go Lil' Camaro , Go", and "I Lost My Mind" (Someone on You Tube insisted Dee Dee's vocals were actually done by H.R. from Bad Brains. H.R. was probably still in jail when this was recorded. In any case , it's not him.), too . But I like it all. Even the "Goth" stuff , ha ha ha.

      I have no complaints about Brain Drain , except that the back cover would have looked better on the front !

      Loco Live is not the best , but it sounds fine to me , if I don't try to hold it up to "It's Alive" and several bootlegs...If nothing else , they slipped "Carbona , Not Glue" into the mix.

      Mondo Bizarro is definitely the best of the last few albums . Vernon Reid's Guitar solo on "Cabbies on Crack" was a bit too Eddie Van Halen for me , but , I liked the album pretty much , start to finish.

      I actually liked "Adios Amigos ". The reason I liked "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" (Besides the cool video that Dan Clowes put his honeymoon on hold to complete.) , it was laid out like a Buzzcocks song , with the solo imitating the first verse. THEY WERE'NT THROWING DEE DEE A BONE , it was the other way around . They were'nt coughing up the songs , and needed his help. Personally , I thought it was cool that they even still had a professional relationship , though I saw Dee Dee , twice , with The Chinese Dragons , and he KILLED.

      John Battles said:

      Rev. Norb said:

      I don't know if i agree that the Ramones didn't have a bad album -- who would listen to "Adios Amigos" or "Acid Eaters" if it didn't say "RAMONES" on the cover, and "Greatest Hits Live" was pretty lame. But, that said, i'll bite:

      1) "Pleasant Dreams" is an underrated album. The production doesn't do it any favors, and Joey's weird "songwriterly" efforts like "We Want The Airwaves" and "It's Not My Place" and "This Business Is Killing Me" and "7-11" are pretty lousy. However, the record's got a number of really good songs on it, and it all works together fairly well. Everyone knows "All's Quiet On The Eastern Front" and "The KKK Took My Baby Away;" less appreciated songs on that record are "You Sound Like You're Sick" and "Sitting In My Room."

      2) I love "Subterranean Jungle." I know lots of people really hate it. I love the bubblegum metal production, and even Walter Lure's guitar solos. The "hit" is obviously "Psycho Therapy," but "Every Time I Eat Vegetables It Makes Me Think Of You" is great as well, as are their covers of the CHAMBERS BROTHERS and BOYFRIENDS. I think the whole album is fun from start to finish.

      3) I am also a fan of "Too Tough To Die." The songs are grouped together in an interesting way -- three drudgey slow ones to start ((in itself an odd thing)), then three punk tunes to kick it in the ass...then four synth-pop type things ((most of which are pretty good!)), two more punk ones, and it ends with "No Go," which is kind of a punkabilly thing. I thought the production could be brighter, i guess, but overall you can make a decent case for this one being the strongest album since the first three. "Durango 95," "Danger Zone," "Chasing The Night," "Humankind" and "No Go" are all underappreciated ((along with more appreciated numbers like "Wart Hog" and "Endless Vacation" and "Howling at the Moon" and "Daytime Dilemma" and such)).

      4) I also like "Animal Boy," although i think it's a reasonable secondary jumping-off point for people who want to own all the Ramones records up to a certain point -- that point being somewhere after the first 3/4 albums but before "Adios Amigos" et al. I enjoy Richie Ramone's drumming more than Marky's. I think "Crummy Stuff" is the great forgotten song on this one. "Freak of Nature" and "Love Kills" are cool, too. I think the willfully-thrashy stuff like "Animal Boy" is sort of self-conscious and weak-ish, however, and "Something To Believe In" doesn't do much for me.

      5) "Halfway To Sanity" -- this record is about halfway to good and halfway to shit. I liked "Weasel Face" and "Go L'il Camaro Go" and "Bop Til You Drop" and "I Lost My Mind" and "Real Cool Time." I did not like the gloomy crap like "I Wanna Live" or "Garden of Serenity" whatsoever. Lots of real duds on this album.

      6) "Brain Drain" -- this is their first real dud. I liked "Palidsades Park" and i thought "Zero Zero UFO" was ok. Other than that, ick. I hate stuff like "Pet Sematary" and "Merry Christmas."

      7) "Loco Live" -- yuck. It was depressing to go see them at this point, they had clearly played the songs so many times that they'd forgotten how to play them. I'd be trying to get into it, and they'd respond with these half-assed, raced-through tippy-tappy-tippy-tappy versions of songs that i once loved. Bleah.

      8) "Mondo Bizarro" -- I thought this one was pretty decent, probably their last legitimately good record. The production was great; i think "Censorshit" "Heidi Is A Headcase" and "Touring" were the three hits ((although it should be noted "Touring" had been around since at least the "Pleasant Dreams" sessions, underscoring the band's difficulty in writing a dozen simple songs every two years)). I dislike stuff like "Poison Heart" and "Strength To Endure." Not my scene at all.

      9) "Acid Eaters" -- um...tried to like it. Could not. Having C.J. singing lead on three songs, including the album's leadoff track, also did not sit well with me. 

      10) "Adios Amigos" -- not much here. Table scraps. So much outside songwriting influence as to render the final product completely incoherent. I guess C.J.'s songs like "Scattergun" and "Got A Lot To Say" were ok. The Tom Waits thing was kinda decent.

      11) "Greatest Hits Live" and anything else i am missing -- yuck!

      That's my take. Thanks for asking.

    • June 5, 2012 6:38 PM CDT
    • "Acid Eaters" wasn't terrible, but it seemed to me like -- if the Ramones were going to do an entire album of 60's covers, they didn't really choose a ton of songs i'd have great interest in hearing them play. I mean, they couldn't toss us a bone with "Yummy Yummy Yummy" or something? It's just like...geez, i wish they would've taken requests or something.

    • June 6, 2012 8:07 AM CDT
    • That's so funny!  I just saw Hunx and His Punx on the 28th of May in Warsaw!  They were so fun!!!  I even got to meet Shannon and have a shot of Vodka with her!  It was a great evening...

      Johnny Danger / Itchy Scabs said:

      Same in our household - also digging  Hunx and His Punx, especially songs with Shannon singing in them.

      Michael Barott said:

      Right now, I'm absolutely in love with Shannon & The Clams album Sleep Talk...definitely one of my favorites right now.

    • June 6, 2012 7:47 AM CDT
    • Same in our household - also digging  Hunx and His Punx, especially songs with Shannon singing in them.

      Michael Barott said:

      Right now, I'm absolutely in love with Shannon & The Clams album Sleep Talk...definitely one of my favorites right now.

    • June 6, 2012 6:27 AM CDT
    • Right now, I'm absolutely in love with Shannon & The Clams album Sleep Talk...definitely one of my favorites right now.

    • June 6, 2012 8:03 AM CDT
    • Check The Infoiatis - Fuzz Rider

      The new demo Deep Jungle Safari is available for free download at

    • June 6, 2012 5:59 AM CDT
    • I was reading the article about your friend who has a Teisco site, but I didn,t see a link to it.